The recipe for a natural remedy that will relieve you of unwanted hair on the face. Take away too much!
Facial hair are not only for men. Many women suffer from this problem and try a variety of methods to remove unwanted vegetation - from special creams and hair removal wax strips to normal plucking tweezers ... All they bring results, but not for long. Treacherous fuzz appears again and again, faster than expected. Especially lucky women with mustaches East: a genetic predisposition to the unaesthetic parts in their blood. There is an ancient recipe that was invented centuries ago beauties: it allows you to get rid of facial hair permanently, without pain or discomfort, do not irritate the skin and is based on natural ingredients.
to a mixture that will remove the mustache on your face, you will need:

to a mixture that will remove the mustache on your face, you will need:
- 2 tbsp. l. honey;
- 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
- 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. 1. Peremel oatmeal in a coffee grinder to get oatmeal.
2. Mix all the ingredients, the resulting mush apply on mustaches and leave for 15 minutes.
3. Wash your face with warm water.
4. carry out this procedure three times a week, and a month later the hair will not be! The effect is stunning, it is worth to spend your time - the temptation to get rid of facial hair is very large. Even if they start to grow again, this will not happen soon - a couple of months, your skin will be perfectly smooth.
An alternative to the usual methods of hair removal exist, and it is beautiful! This tool not only removes hair by destroying the bulbs, but also takes care of the skin, softening and moisturizing properties. Silky skin - it is very beautiful and nice to know that to achieve this it is very easy to state. Well-groomed woman admired. Rejoice girlfriends this article!
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