10 tips for minor repairs of the apartment. Useful to all those who have already got down to business ...
All owners of personal space anyhow encounter minor repairs: hammer a nail, re-stick wallpaper, put a tile ... For some, these efforts - just the necessary steps and no more. And for some, even the smallest repair turns into a living hell: first you need a few days on the moral training, then some more - for the purchase of necessary tools, and only then if the stars would be correct, you can begin to implement the plan. Our paper contains 10 tips that we hope you will be very useful!
1. To drive a nail, dip it in the edge of the vegetable oil.
2. Add the sugar to the solution of cement - and it will become much stronger.
3. If you need to plug the gap with a brush - kindle Alabaster milk. So it will take longer to freeze.
4. Brush oil work very hard? Put it for 1 minute in boiling vinegar.
5. You can not open the windows in the room that has just papered. From this they will start to bubble and peel.
6. To visually increase the room - use wallpaper and paint bright colors. Dark colors visually reduce the volume of the room.
7. When choosing wallpaper pay attention to the direction of the light, which leaves the room. If sunny side - it should not be washable wallpaper paste over. They emit harmful substances under the influence of direct sunlight.
8. To tile did not break while cutting - well it namochi.Veroyatnost that it will break, halved.
9. If you doubt what tile to take: Import or domestic, weigh all the pros and cons. After all, despite the fact that the domestic product is cheaper during its installation will be necessary to align the edges of the tiles, so that they lay close to each other. Imported goods eliminates this hassle, allowing you to save your time and effort.
10. Had the tiles? In order to firmly fix it use the zinc white, thickly jammed natural linseed oil. However, this method, though inexpensive, but long drying.
Fortunately, in respect of minor repairs can apply familiar from childhood adage "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted." If you have time to prepare mentally and even bought all the necessary materials for repair - we wish you a successful endeavor and the same success. Do not forget to share this article with your friends. Surely them something useful!
via takprosto cc
1. To drive a nail, dip it in the edge of the vegetable oil.

2. Add the sugar to the solution of cement - and it will become much stronger.

3. If you need to plug the gap with a brush - kindle Alabaster milk. So it will take longer to freeze.

4. Brush oil work very hard? Put it for 1 minute in boiling vinegar.

5. You can not open the windows in the room that has just papered. From this they will start to bubble and peel.
6. To visually increase the room - use wallpaper and paint bright colors. Dark colors visually reduce the volume of the room.
7. When choosing wallpaper pay attention to the direction of the light, which leaves the room. If sunny side - it should not be washable wallpaper paste over. They emit harmful substances under the influence of direct sunlight.

8. To tile did not break while cutting - well it namochi.Veroyatnost that it will break, halved.
9. If you doubt what tile to take: Import or domestic, weigh all the pros and cons. After all, despite the fact that the domestic product is cheaper during its installation will be necessary to align the edges of the tiles, so that they lay close to each other. Imported goods eliminates this hassle, allowing you to save your time and effort.
10. Had the tiles? In order to firmly fix it use the zinc white, thickly jammed natural linseed oil. However, this method, though inexpensive, but long drying.

Fortunately, in respect of minor repairs can apply familiar from childhood adage "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted." If you have time to prepare mentally and even bought all the necessary materials for repair - we wish you a successful endeavor and the same success. Do not forget to share this article with your friends. Surely them something useful!
via takprosto cc
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