How to choose the safest place in transportation: what you need to know everyone.
Statistics inexorable: every year in the world are broken down thousands of vehicles: planes, buses, trains, cars. However, knowing this, many of us when boarding a transport choose safe places or vsë the guided comfort? Surely you've heard more than once near the ticket offices such phrases: "Put me by the window, please," or "May the first car to stop close to the train station?" And even it is possible that not only heard, but he said them. If the chances of survival in an accident for you is more important than convenience during the trip - read, what place should be chosen in different modes of transport in order to save your life.
The bus
Minibuses - one of the most popular modes of transport. Firstly, they are not bound to the rigid schedule, and secondly, the cost of the ticket they often exceed the cost of a bus, trolley bus and tram. But here's the paradox chëm: cars "Gazelle" is considered one of the most dangerous forms of public transport.
In the bus, if possible, choose a place that allows you to sit with your back to the direction of travel. So you might be seasick, but the chance to get out alive and well from the accident will be much greater. The reason - under heavy braking, all passengers will fly forth from their seats, and you just squeeze the back. In addition, the "Gazelle" these places are often located right behind the driver, and he instinctively (proven research) will save your life and twist the steering wheel so that the side with his car damaged as little as possible.
The second security is a place in the middle of the cabin away from the windows. But the most dangerous is the place next to the driver in the back row. In this case, you can die in head-on collision or if someone is "fit" at full speed into the back of the bus.
In the bus
Intercity buses also considered relatively unsafe mode of transport. Moreover, it increases the risk of winter, when the sleet on roads and around the road - meter snowdrifts. However, even in nëm you can select more or less safe place.
Firstly, never sit on the seats in the first and the last three ranks - in the event of a crash you can easily throw away through the windshield, or literally flatten the rear. Second, no matter how it was tempting, do not buy a place at the window - break the glass in an accident can damage your face and hands, if not cut off the artery.
It is best to choose a place in the middle of the passenger compartment in the right lane on the direction of travel. Another type of safe places - closer to the aisle. So you can quickly leave the scene of an accident and to avoid substantial injury caused by broken.
On the train
In choosing a safe place rail accidents statistics, we do not help much - the mudslides, the collisions at level crossings, then twist the rails due to the poor condition of the track - as reasons to die so many options in a variety of carriages.
Still, some general rules can be formulated. If possible, avoid travel in the first and last car - the closer to the center of the composition, the safer. Coupe also choose the optimum fifth or sixth, again from those reasons that the middle, safer.
Shelf in the direction of movement is always safer than the opposite. If the train braked abruptly, you have a better chance to pull over to the partition, while the neighbor opposite shelves almost certainly fall.
The plane
Most plane crashes occur during takeoff and landing, and a significant portion of those killed in these crashes choking smoke inhalation during a fire on board. Therefore, in this situation, your life depends on whether you have time to get out of the cabin before you stop breathing.
According to the results of research commissioned by the UK Civil Aviation Authority, the best chance to get those who are sitting in one of the five rows of seats near the emergency exit. The principal difference between landing a window or an aisle is not - in the first case, 58% of the passengers survived, while the second - 65%.
But what part of the liner to choose a place, experts still can not identify because of disagreements. According to British scientists, the more secure the front of the aircraft: its occupants survive in 65% of cases. Similar rates and has a "tail" - 53%. But according to statistics National Transportation Safety Board United States, on the contrary, in the rear section of the cabin - 69% of survivors over the wing - 56%, and in the front section of the cabin, which is usually located business class when the accident survived only 49%. < br />
In large aircraft above the wing are usually just two outs, so that the chances of "fit through the door," you have more than the front and rear of the aircraft. On the other hand, it is above the wing, or close to it, is usually a tank of jet fuel, which in the case of the crash may ignite.
As you can see, a single prescription for all ills do not exist. However, as they say, God helps those who help themselves, all the more so choose safe places is not prohibited. Share this article with your friends. I'm sure they will soon leave and these tips will be useful to them. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
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The bus
Minibuses - one of the most popular modes of transport. Firstly, they are not bound to the rigid schedule, and secondly, the cost of the ticket they often exceed the cost of a bus, trolley bus and tram. But here's the paradox chëm: cars "Gazelle" is considered one of the most dangerous forms of public transport.
In the bus, if possible, choose a place that allows you to sit with your back to the direction of travel. So you might be seasick, but the chance to get out alive and well from the accident will be much greater. The reason - under heavy braking, all passengers will fly forth from their seats, and you just squeeze the back. In addition, the "Gazelle" these places are often located right behind the driver, and he instinctively (proven research) will save your life and twist the steering wheel so that the side with his car damaged as little as possible.
The second security is a place in the middle of the cabin away from the windows. But the most dangerous is the place next to the driver in the back row. In this case, you can die in head-on collision or if someone is "fit" at full speed into the back of the bus.
In the bus
Intercity buses also considered relatively unsafe mode of transport. Moreover, it increases the risk of winter, when the sleet on roads and around the road - meter snowdrifts. However, even in nëm you can select more or less safe place.
Firstly, never sit on the seats in the first and the last three ranks - in the event of a crash you can easily throw away through the windshield, or literally flatten the rear. Second, no matter how it was tempting, do not buy a place at the window - break the glass in an accident can damage your face and hands, if not cut off the artery.
It is best to choose a place in the middle of the passenger compartment in the right lane on the direction of travel. Another type of safe places - closer to the aisle. So you can quickly leave the scene of an accident and to avoid substantial injury caused by broken.

On the train
In choosing a safe place rail accidents statistics, we do not help much - the mudslides, the collisions at level crossings, then twist the rails due to the poor condition of the track - as reasons to die so many options in a variety of carriages.
Still, some general rules can be formulated. If possible, avoid travel in the first and last car - the closer to the center of the composition, the safer. Coupe also choose the optimum fifth or sixth, again from those reasons that the middle, safer.
Shelf in the direction of movement is always safer than the opposite. If the train braked abruptly, you have a better chance to pull over to the partition, while the neighbor opposite shelves almost certainly fall.
The plane
Most plane crashes occur during takeoff and landing, and a significant portion of those killed in these crashes choking smoke inhalation during a fire on board. Therefore, in this situation, your life depends on whether you have time to get out of the cabin before you stop breathing.
According to the results of research commissioned by the UK Civil Aviation Authority, the best chance to get those who are sitting in one of the five rows of seats near the emergency exit. The principal difference between landing a window or an aisle is not - in the first case, 58% of the passengers survived, while the second - 65%.
But what part of the liner to choose a place, experts still can not identify because of disagreements. According to British scientists, the more secure the front of the aircraft: its occupants survive in 65% of cases. Similar rates and has a "tail" - 53%. But according to statistics National Transportation Safety Board United States, on the contrary, in the rear section of the cabin - 69% of survivors over the wing - 56%, and in the front section of the cabin, which is usually located business class when the accident survived only 49%. < br />
In large aircraft above the wing are usually just two outs, so that the chances of "fit through the door," you have more than the front and rear of the aircraft. On the other hand, it is above the wing, or close to it, is usually a tank of jet fuel, which in the case of the crash may ignite.

As you can see, a single prescription for all ills do not exist. However, as they say, God helps those who help themselves, all the more so choose safe places is not prohibited. Share this article with your friends. I'm sure they will soon leave and these tips will be useful to them. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
via takprosto cc
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