He was able to fulfill the cherished dream of summer. Pool of the usual boxes!
In the heat of summer it would be desirable not only to dream of a swimming pool, but also dabble in it. The idea proposed here - truly brilliant! After all, build a private swimming pool - a substantial sum of money and a budget option than this, not to find swimming pool ... out of the ordinary wooden boxes are cheap and you can do it yourself. Even if you have never before engaged in the construction of mini-pools, you will still succeed. A minimum of consumables and the maximum positive effect. Let the summer turns into a real celebration!
To create a pool of summer wooden boxes you'll need:
To create a pool of summer wooden boxes you'll need:
- disassembled boxes;
- belts, clamps or other fastening;
- oilcloth;
- towels;
- felt or any other soft material for interior decoration;
- board;
- bamboo panel or any other panel for external finish. 1. Lay a tarp on the proposed basin. Boxes laid out in a circle and scrapie.
2. Here, for a reliable connection boxes were used belt-clips.
3. The inside of the pool obtyani felt and lay a towel.
4. A large piece of oilcloth or canvas need to pave them inside the pool.
5. Outside pool sheathe bamboo panels.
6. The design has been prepared! It remains to add water ...
You always wanted a private pool? Now it is within your reach ...
To some, this idea may seem silly ... But I would not jump to conclusions. Make such a pool, but smaller children, just worth it! Check its practicality and reliability. And then you can be accepted and for the construction of a large. All materials are available and cheap, saving unprecedented. So what does it matter!
Never give up your dreams! Show your friends that an unusual idea for the summer.
via takprosto cc
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