Professor Ivan Neumyvakin states: everyone can be as healthy as an astronaut!
The best of the best get to the astronauts, but to have good health and everyone can! Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - famous Soviet professor who care about the health of the astronauts, and has developed a special system that allows space explorers will never get sick. His studies full of novelty, unusual designs and different from the methods that are popular in traditional medicine. Looking at photos of 86-year-old Ivan Pavlovich, unwittingly I want to follow his advice - a flourishing and energetic grandfather in such a ripe old age without drugs costs. And it claims that it needs only a simple laws take into account the preservation of health.
1. Ivan Pavlovich advised to eat less. Reducing the usual portions of food - a step towards improvement of the body, get rid of slagging and improve digestion. All excess food causes illness! Perfect Balance products on the day of Neumyvakin: proteins (better - vegetable, low-fat meat and fish) - 15-20%; vegetable food - 50-60% (as many raw fruits and vegetables); carbohydrates (mostly bread with coarse fibers and cereals) - 30-35%.
2. The better to chew food, the better it is digested. to chew food until it disappears characteristic taste. Never eat or cook in the anger and haste, try to make the meal special ritual. Not to be confused with the protein carbohydrate foods - try to divide carbohydrates and proteins into two separate meals.
3. After the meal, you need a vacation. 20 minutes of rest enough so that the body is completely surrendered to the process of digestion and absorbed all the valuable substances at rest. Remember that digestion itself - energy-intensive process.
4. We had dinner no later than 18-19 hours. This is very important! Your dinner should not be late - then disappear any problems with excess weight, and the body will be perfectly self-cleaning.
5. Drink water for 10-15 minutes before meals. After the meal, do not drink anything for 2 hours - this applies to water, coffee, tea, juice and so on. D. It is the optimum drinking regime for better digestion. The day is necessary to drink 2 liters of water, watch for its quality - is the foundation of health.
6. Do not eat hot food - drink only warm. The same goes for drinks.
7. Once a week there is a fasting day. Choose the one that best fits your body: fruit, juice a day, kefir or vegetable. Such fasting days mobilize the body's defenses.
8. Squats. We have written earlier about the medicinal squat that Professor Neumyvakin recommends all. Add to squats daily walking distance stairs, forget about the elevator - and your physical form will not be worse than the astronaut.
9. Do not eat if you do not want! to force yourself to eat and to push food into the body - is a crime against public health. If you're not hungry, it means that the previously eaten foods have not yet digested.
10. Do not do to others what would not wish themselves. As it relates to health? Professor Neumyvakin believes that the spiritual fall inevitably leads to premature death - when a person is weak in spirit, his body weakened, too.
11. If you have a high fever during the illness, it is desirable to starve. If the temperature necessary to drink plenty of fluids, bed rest and give up for a while to eat. Then recovery will come very quickly.
12. Drink on an empty stomach with water, a pinch of salt. This will save you from stagnation in the gallbladder and helps the body to actively work all day.
Self-discipline - something without which it is impossible in good health, says Ivan Pavlovich. The above rules are clear, simple and understandable. If all of them adhered to, life without drugs would become a reality! Remember these golden canons of health and then any disease would remain in the past. Share pillars of recovery Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakina with friends, show them care!
via takprosto cc
1. Ivan Pavlovich advised to eat less. Reducing the usual portions of food - a step towards improvement of the body, get rid of slagging and improve digestion. All excess food causes illness! Perfect Balance products on the day of Neumyvakin: proteins (better - vegetable, low-fat meat and fish) - 15-20%; vegetable food - 50-60% (as many raw fruits and vegetables); carbohydrates (mostly bread with coarse fibers and cereals) - 30-35%.
2. The better to chew food, the better it is digested. to chew food until it disappears characteristic taste. Never eat or cook in the anger and haste, try to make the meal special ritual. Not to be confused with the protein carbohydrate foods - try to divide carbohydrates and proteins into two separate meals.
3. After the meal, you need a vacation. 20 minutes of rest enough so that the body is completely surrendered to the process of digestion and absorbed all the valuable substances at rest. Remember that digestion itself - energy-intensive process.
4. We had dinner no later than 18-19 hours. This is very important! Your dinner should not be late - then disappear any problems with excess weight, and the body will be perfectly self-cleaning.
5. Drink water for 10-15 minutes before meals. After the meal, do not drink anything for 2 hours - this applies to water, coffee, tea, juice and so on. D. It is the optimum drinking regime for better digestion. The day is necessary to drink 2 liters of water, watch for its quality - is the foundation of health.
6. Do not eat hot food - drink only warm. The same goes for drinks.
7. Once a week there is a fasting day. Choose the one that best fits your body: fruit, juice a day, kefir or vegetable. Such fasting days mobilize the body's defenses.
8. Squats. We have written earlier about the medicinal squat that Professor Neumyvakin recommends all. Add to squats daily walking distance stairs, forget about the elevator - and your physical form will not be worse than the astronaut.
9. Do not eat if you do not want! to force yourself to eat and to push food into the body - is a crime against public health. If you're not hungry, it means that the previously eaten foods have not yet digested.
10. Do not do to others what would not wish themselves. As it relates to health? Professor Neumyvakin believes that the spiritual fall inevitably leads to premature death - when a person is weak in spirit, his body weakened, too.
11. If you have a high fever during the illness, it is desirable to starve. If the temperature necessary to drink plenty of fluids, bed rest and give up for a while to eat. Then recovery will come very quickly.
12. Drink on an empty stomach with water, a pinch of salt. This will save you from stagnation in the gallbladder and helps the body to actively work all day.
Self-discipline - something without which it is impossible in good health, says Ivan Pavlovich. The above rules are clear, simple and understandable. If all of them adhered to, life without drugs would become a reality! Remember these golden canons of health and then any disease would remain in the past. Share pillars of recovery Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakina with friends, show them care!
via takprosto cc
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