Macaroni "Cheeseburger" in the pan - hearty and flavorful meal in a hurry!
Today has prepared for you a very unusual recipe for cooking pasta with minced meat called "Cheeseburger". Do you think that there may be similarities between the pasta and cheese sandwich? Dishes prepared according to this recipe, has a lot of common ingredients cheeseburger: minced meat, cheese, tomatoes and spices. Therefore, the taste of these dishes are a bit similar. And the pasta cooked very quickly - you will need only 30 minutes to make an amazing meal!
500 grams of minced meat; 300 g tomatoes; 2 tbsp. broth; 300 g pasta; 2 tbsp. l. oil; 3/4 Art. milk; 2 tbsp. l. flour; 200 g of hard cheese; 1/2 ch. l. salt; 1/2 ch. l. black pepper; 1 package seasonings "Taco». Preparation:
1. In a frying pan fry the stuffing.
2. Add seasoning to it "taco" and tomatoes.
3. Pour the broth.
4. When the mass starts to boil, add the pasta.
5. Next, cover and boil them until tender.
6. While the pasta is cooked, you can prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan and add the flour. Mix well and fry until golden brown.
7. Add the milk and mix thoroughly vzbey. Bring the sauce to a boil.
8. Then vsyp grated cheese and mix until smooth. Add salt and pepper.
9. Pour the pasta into the sauce and mix gently.
Macaroni "Cheeseburger" in the pan - very tasty and satisfying meal in a hurry. Save yourself this recipe if you do not have time for cooking!
via takprosto cc
500 grams of minced meat; 300 g tomatoes; 2 tbsp. broth; 300 g pasta; 2 tbsp. l. oil; 3/4 Art. milk; 2 tbsp. l. flour; 200 g of hard cheese; 1/2 ch. l. salt; 1/2 ch. l. black pepper; 1 package seasonings "Taco». Preparation:
1. In a frying pan fry the stuffing.
2. Add seasoning to it "taco" and tomatoes.
3. Pour the broth.
4. When the mass starts to boil, add the pasta.
5. Next, cover and boil them until tender.
6. While the pasta is cooked, you can prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan and add the flour. Mix well and fry until golden brown.
7. Add the milk and mix thoroughly vzbey. Bring the sauce to a boil.
8. Then vsyp grated cheese and mix until smooth. Add salt and pepper.
9. Pour the pasta into the sauce and mix gently.
Macaroni "Cheeseburger" in the pan - very tasty and satisfying meal in a hurry. Save yourself this recipe if you do not have time for cooking!
via takprosto cc
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