This man built his own cabin for the hobbits ... And it turned out as in a fairy tale!
You're not wrong, this looks really nice little house a hair's breadth, as the huts Hobbits from "The Lord of the Rings." Architect Peter Archer modeled this unusual house specifically for fans of JRR Tolkien, who decided to build it as a tribute to the legendary epic novel. This cottage-cabin is situated in a very picturesque place - in Chester County, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.
Hobbit hut was designed as a personal museum. Here, the owner, as the most devoted fan, keeps everything connected with the famous product of the fantasy genre. Over 30 years of collecting, he has accumulated more than enough books, figurines and other interesting thematic veshchichek to fill their whole house.
hobbit hut is located in Chester County, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.
Give me one for the hobbit hut, which can dispense with a round little wooden door?
Inside is very warm and comfortable.
Among the items in the collection also has a chess board, created after the brilliant epic.
Surprisingly, before this project Archer knew almost nothing about Tolkien and his famous work. He admits: «As soon as I started to translate this project into reality, I wanted to read and see everything connected with the novel" The Lord of the Rings ", I also found a lot of information about the Tolkien saw his memorable illustrations of the product. I just wanted to do something unusual and original. I did not want to make another copy of the Hollywood version, so I drew inspiration directly from the source. We wanted to be out of time. House was built in 2004 but, looking at it, you might seem that this building belongs arhitikturnoy about the beginning of the 17th century ». I>
I look at this cozy little house, and already know how to cool and rainy evening, curled up on a chair, sit in a hut, and I read a fascinating book ... Show this fantastic house of your friends.
Hobbit hut was designed as a personal museum. Here, the owner, as the most devoted fan, keeps everything connected with the famous product of the fantasy genre. Over 30 years of collecting, he has accumulated more than enough books, figurines and other interesting thematic veshchichek to fill their whole house.
hobbit hut is located in Chester County, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.

Give me one for the hobbit hut, which can dispense with a round little wooden door?

Inside is very warm and comfortable.

Among the items in the collection also has a chess board, created after the brilliant epic.

Surprisingly, before this project Archer knew almost nothing about Tolkien and his famous work. He admits: «As soon as I started to translate this project into reality, I wanted to read and see everything connected with the novel" The Lord of the Rings ", I also found a lot of information about the Tolkien saw his memorable illustrations of the product. I just wanted to do something unusual and original. I did not want to make another copy of the Hollywood version, so I drew inspiration directly from the source. We wanted to be out of time. House was built in 2004 but, looking at it, you might seem that this building belongs arhitikturnoy about the beginning of the 17th century ». I>
I look at this cozy little house, and already know how to cool and rainy evening, curled up on a chair, sit in a hut, and I read a fascinating book ... Show this fantastic house of your friends.
Outside, the house looks like a very ordinary for sale. But go into it ... The horror!
I never thought that could be the koalas! But watching this video, my world turned upside down ...