A boy from Belarus built a house of clay and sand, in which he is going to spend the winter. The secret of technology in...

Everyone would like to live in their dream home. At the same time, someone begins to move towards achieving his goal, and someone gives up and “scores” on his dream.

When I was a little girl, I loved the stories my parents told me before bed, but what I loved most was the story my dad told me about the hobbits. As I later realized as an adult, my dad would retell John Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

So I fantasized how Frodo lives, and I dreamed of seeing a house like this live.

Studying at the Faculty of Interior Design, I learned a huge amount of information, after which I realized that I want to live in such an eco-home!

Recently, a friend of mine told me about a guy who has already implemented a green house. greenhouseIt resembles the dwelling of those hobbits. And he did it completely with his own hands and with a budget of only a thousand dollars!

Editorial "Site" prepared for you a story about this talented craftsman from Belarus, who surprised everyone with his unusual eco-house of clay and sand. In such a building, it even breathes differently!

Evgeny Raevsky from Belarus with his own hands sandhouse. In his opinion, housing should be natural, from environmentally friendly materials. The architect built his house in the village and moved there to live.

Zhenya is convinced that it is necessary to build such houses in which it is not only convenient and cozy, but also possible to provide a person with natural living conditions.

So he came up with the idea of building houses out of materials that are at hand. The main building materials were sand, clay, water, straw and logs.

The house of Eugene is not at all like village huts: squat, without corners and with a grassy roof. The very first association is the hobbit dwelling.

Eugene is 28 years old and has a construction education: first a technical school, then the Bryansk Academy of Construction. Zhenya says that at some point he realized that he did not want to associate his life with the construction of boxes of reinforced concrete, because doing all your life what you do not like, only for the sake of money is wrong.

The construction of eco-houses was inspired by German architects. In Germany, there is a whole laboratory that deals with environmental housing. Its leader Gernot Minke around the world is building eco-homes. Including Belarus. Then Zhenya came up with an idea, why don’t Belarusians start doing it themselves?

“It is elementary, clay underfoot! Then a friend and I decided to build two houses using related technologies: from samana and clay, says Evgeny. A friend, however, then moved away from the construction, because not everyone is ready to sacrifice so much time for this business.

Most of the time Eugene spent on the construction of walls of clay, sand and straw. A little faster were built internal walls of clay and logs. The whole structure is based on a wooden frame.

The house has everything you need for life, including a kitchen, a small stove and a bed next to it. The total area of the house is about 45 square meters.

“There is no full electricity in the house,” says Zhenya. - Just from the neighbor held an extension cord to be able to power the laptop. I plan to arrange a house and connect to the power line in the near future.”

Small rounded windows, as well as the presence of grass on the roof, are very similar to the homes of hobbits.

“All the windows in the house are made of old, ordinary glass frames. If there were money, then, of course, would put modern double-glazed windows, the craftsman shares his thoughts.

Small windows of oval shape for lighting is clearly not enough. But in the center of the roof there is a round window, light enters the house even on a rainy day. The walls outside and inside are quite smooth, plastered and painted. And the store didn't buy anything for that, all the same free clay.

Heats the whole house oven complex design. Its unusual device allows you to effectively heat and retain heat in the room for a long time. Food can be prepared if desired.

Smoke from the furnace does not immediately fly into the pipe, but first passes through the smoke channels of the couch (the owner of the house sleeps on it). The lounge is a heat accumulator. Thus, the efficiency in comparison with the fireplace or bourgeois furnace is much higher.

As for winter, Eugene insulated the ceiling with a layer of sawdust 20-30 centimeters thick. About the walls, the owner said the following: “From the east, north and west in the house there are rooms that are closed for the winter, only the central room with an oven remains living in the house.”

When the street is 0-2, the temperature in the house is maintained at 20 degrees. Well, if Zhenya sinks the oven, the temperature rises to 22-23 degrees.

He plans to spend the winter in his new home. He also plans to build another such dwelling on a nearby site.

He also wants to establish a kind of hobbit settlement. To build houses on ecotechnologies and with similar architecture: from clay, samana, with earthen roofs. But equip them with modern communications: hot water, bathrooms. All this so that people can come and live here for a while.

I invite you to familiarize yourself with another amazing story about the Norwegian family Gjörtefolger, who has been living in the Arctic Circle for more than 4 years. You'll be amazed when you see their house!

I really like the idea of this creative young man, taking care of his own. health - That's wonderful! The main thing is that this house has served faithfully for more than a decade, which is what I wish.

What do you think about living in such eco-houses? I would be glad if you would share your opinion in the comments.

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