Something they didn't tell you in anatomy class. 33 Incredible Secrets of the Human Body

You probably remember the boring anatomy lessons from which you learned little for the future. It was hard not to get lost among the mile-long paragraphs of anatomy textbook. And now you can hardly boast of your knowledge of the human body. But I have 33 incredible secrets of the human body that you have never heard of in school. It's time to solve and catch up!
1. The body of an adult is made up of just a huge number of atoms. This is nothing less than 7,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion). For comparison, consider the fact that there are about 300 billion stars in our galaxy.
2. Many studies prove that when a person is in love, his brain produces a mix of neurotransmitters and hormones, equal to the one that a person gets when taking amphetamine. They cause strong excitement, rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite and sleep.
3. It turns out that to relieve stress, you need to cry well. By releasing steam with tears, you thus relieve tension and reduce feelings of sadness and anger.
4. The human brain can read about 1,000 words per minute.
5. The human body can warm anyone because the heat it generates in just 30 minutes is enough to boil about 4 liters of water.
6. Your body is made up of 96,000 kilometers of blood vessels. Incredibly enough to wrap the Earth twice.
7. You had no idea how old you were. The atoms that make up your body are the same atoms that formed about 13.7 billion years ago.
8. Turns out the lining of your stomach is very shy. When you blush with embarrassment, she blushes for you too.
9. We all live in the happy ignorance that we have a seemingly incredible ability to glow in the dark. Unfortunately, our eyes do not allow us to see it.
10. For every kilogram of fat and muscle, your body creates 10 kilometers of new blood vessels.
11. You'll laugh when you find out that a person's DNA is 50% the same as that of a banana.
12. Human fingers are so sensitive that if they were the size of an entire planet, you could still feel the difference between a house and a car.
13. Your navel is a jungle. Thousands of bacteria live there, which form a huge ecosystem for such a scale.
14. If it were not for the lens of our eyes, we would be able to see ultraviolet radiation. Sometimes people who have undergone surgery to remove the lens, acquire the ability to see ultraviolet light.
15. Each of us possesses a titanic power comparable to that of Hercules. Our muscles are actually much stronger than they seem. But our body is designed to limit this force, especially so that a person does not damage muscles and tendons. This restriction is able to relieve adrenaline - it is under its influence that people are able to lift whole boulders and even cars.
16. We can only compare our hair with chimpanzees. But most of our hair is useless and so thin that it is almost invisible when viewed with the naked eye.
17. The human eye is so sensitive that if the Earth were flat, you could see the light from a twinkling candle at a distance of about 30 kilometers at night.
18. We are the best long-distance runners on the planet. We could even compete with the fastest animals on Earth. You wouldn’t believe it, but a few thousand years ago, we could drive our prey until they died of exhaustion.
19. Human bones are as strong as granite. A small piece of bone the size of a matchbox can withstand up to 9 tons of weight.
20. Your body is in constant motion. Every second, it produces about 25 million new cells.
21. A person completely renews his skin every month. In general, you shed about 40 kilograms of skin throughout your life. This is the kind of load we carry!
22. If the human brain worked like a computer, it could perform 38,000 trillion operations per second. That’s not like the world’s most powerful computer, which can only do .002% of that.
23. Loneliness can not only cause depression, but can also cause physical pain. This should motivate you to communicate more actively with other people.
24. We have all heard that we are created in the image and likeness of God. And indeed, the connected neurons in our brains are like the structure of the universe.
25. The focusing muscles in your eyes move about 100,000 times a day. To train the muscles of your legs, you will need to walk an average of 80 kilometers a day.
26. About 90% of our cells are fungi and bacteria. It makes you feel bad.
27. Your intuition doesn't let you down. Along with the five known senses of hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste, humans also have 15 “other” senses. Among them are balance, temperature, pain, time, intuition, and in addition, internal sensations of suffocation, thirst and satiety and others.
28. It is no secret that men do not distinguish colors, especially their shades. Most people have 3 types of color receptors, and some women have 4 or even 5. This super-ability allows them to see a richer range of colors.
29. The reason we cry affects the shape of our tears. If you look at them under a microscope, the tears of sorrow, joy and tears while cutting onions look completely different.
30.You are much richer than you think. We are all made up of 0.2 milligrams of gold, which is distributed through our blood. To be truly rich, you will need the blood of 40,000 people.
31. Our insatiable brain uses 20% of the oxygen and calories that the human body consumes. It is only 2% of the body weight of an adult.
32. A condition called synesthesia allows us to experience one feeling through another. For example, some people have tasted sounds or heard colors.
33. It would seem that the vital ability to breathe is due more to the accumulation of carbon dioxide than the need for oxygen. If there was another way to remove carbon dioxide from the blood, we could breathe about once a minute.
I hope you discovered a lot of new and interesting things! All these facts show that man is a miracle of nature. Tell your friends about these incredible secrets of the human body.
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