At first glance, she is holding a child ... But what's really going on, is really two kinds of feelings!
Surely every girl's childhood was a doll-pupsik, with whom she played in the daughters and mothers. If you are an adult woman who, for one reason or another, looking for something more realistic, maybe you should learn a little more about the project «Reborners». Photographer Jamie Diamond, a large part of his time, as she puts it, with "creative team of strangers", consisting of women who are self-taught artist and create hyper-realistic dolls infants, collect them, and even, it is not strange sounds, communicate with them. They collect these dolls and sell them at auction. The main function of these dolls - therapeutic. Toys help many women to cope with a variety of psychological and emotional problems. However, each of these incredibly realistic dolls causes stranger strange and contradictory feelings.
In this room you can see the collection of dolls, each of which was again repainted to look like, as realistically as possible.
Members of this club realize that their interests may appear to someone very strange. However, Diamond somehow still found out about these women, and also learned to do here such hyper-realistic dolls. All parts of the toys are responsible for the fact that they were as much as possible like a real child. They are even odor babies! On each such symbolic doll Jamie takes about 9 months, and then she takes pictures and sells his creations.
Today Jamie Diamond has two projects related to the company «Reborners»: the first - "Project Amy", which includes the creation of dolls of different nationalities; second - "Maternal Love", in which she creates dolls infants, as if descended from paintings by Raphael, Dürer and Bellini.
The "Amy»
The "mother's love" in the style of Raphael's
The "mother's love" in the style of Durer
The "mother's love" in the style of Bellini
It so happened that each of the dolls - is an individual, because each of them in one way or another reflect the features of the one who created it.
«Mother» Merlin
Sdaleka these dolls look like to live babies.
«Mama" Ping
Jamie also photographed member of the club «Reborners» with their own "creations", thus creating an unusual "family" pictures.
«Mama" Brenda
«Mother» Karen
Frankly, from the unusual hobby of these women it looks really weird. But Asli is unusual hobby can be used for the benefit of someone else, helping women to cope with various problems, giving them a therapeutic effect, then it is a hobby and has a right to exist.
In this room you can see the collection of dolls, each of which was again repainted to look like, as realistically as possible.

Members of this club realize that their interests may appear to someone very strange. However, Diamond somehow still found out about these women, and also learned to do here such hyper-realistic dolls. All parts of the toys are responsible for the fact that they were as much as possible like a real child. They are even odor babies! On each such symbolic doll Jamie takes about 9 months, and then she takes pictures and sells his creations.



Today Jamie Diamond has two projects related to the company «Reborners»: the first - "Project Amy", which includes the creation of dolls of different nationalities; second - "Maternal Love", in which she creates dolls infants, as if descended from paintings by Raphael, Dürer and Bellini.
The "Amy»

The "mother's love" in the style of Raphael's

The "mother's love" in the style of Durer

The "mother's love" in the style of Bellini

It so happened that each of the dolls - is an individual, because each of them in one way or another reflect the features of the one who created it.
«Mother» Merlin

Sdaleka these dolls look like to live babies.
«Mama" Ping

Jamie also photographed member of the club «Reborners» with their own "creations", thus creating an unusual "family" pictures.
«Mama" Brenda

«Mother» Karen

Frankly, from the unusual hobby of these women it looks really weird. But Asli is unusual hobby can be used for the benefit of someone else, helping women to cope with various problems, giving them a therapeutic effect, then it is a hobby and has a right to exist.
As originally told her husband about pregnancy? The idea of this girl struck her favorite spot.
14 most bizarre colors, invented by Mother Nature. Her imagination is boundless!