Sentimental shot! Heartbroken doctor can not come to terms with the death of 19-year-old patient ...
In the picture below you will see so much of humanity and human sadness, how much, maybe you do not always have met in my life. This touching photo was published on the Internet. It sold out instantly on the Web and touched deeply by millions of users world wide web. Pictured above is a truly sentimental and tragic moment ... Emergency doctor for a long time could not recover from the death of 19-year-old patient. Feeling the complete impotence of not being able to cope with their own emotions, heartbroken medic stepped on a roadside and sat down, holding his hands behind his head.
This gesture proves that not all doctors - cool and detached butchers. In fact, many of them are able not only to empathize, and to take other people's tragedy as their own. Most likely this is not the first time the physician in his medical practice to deal with the death of the patient, but this time he could not withstand such a blow.
The photo was made a partner of the sympathetic doctor. According to him, a colleague struggled fighting for his life 19-year-old boy who later died. The level of feelings and emotions in the picture rolls!
serdtseschipatelny This picture has caused a resonance among Internet users. People sincerely empathized with the doctor and the family of the deceased patient. Many doctors admitted that they did not know firsthand what kind of feelings at that moment felt the doctor, because they themselves do not just have to experience the frustration and sense of powerlessness in their own skin.
This picture made me regain confidence in humanity and that there are still good people in the world. Physicians do not care! Share this emotionally powerful photo with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
This gesture proves that not all doctors - cool and detached butchers. In fact, many of them are able not only to empathize, and to take other people's tragedy as their own. Most likely this is not the first time the physician in his medical practice to deal with the death of the patient, but this time he could not withstand such a blow.
The photo was made a partner of the sympathetic doctor. According to him, a colleague struggled fighting for his life 19-year-old boy who later died. The level of feelings and emotions in the picture rolls!

serdtseschipatelny This picture has caused a resonance among Internet users. People sincerely empathized with the doctor and the family of the deceased patient. Many doctors admitted that they did not know firsthand what kind of feelings at that moment felt the doctor, because they themselves do not just have to experience the frustration and sense of powerlessness in their own skin.
This picture made me regain confidence in humanity and that there are still good people in the world. Physicians do not care! Share this emotionally powerful photo with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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Well, except these pictures are not magicians ?! 20 divine images taken at the right time.