The mind boggles, but the thickest inhabitant of the planet managed to lose 380 kilos!
Once this Texas resident weighed as much as 470 kg. Who is the woman in '34 and she lost 80% of its weight. In 2008, Myra Rosales named half-ton killer, because it was suspected that it is his body accidentally killed a two-year nephew. But as it turned out, he was guilty of the death of the child was her sister, and Myra did not want to leave their children without a mother and decided to take the blame. Soon thereafter, the woman visited a doctor who found her a serious pneumonia. Myra had to be hospitalized, but to bring it out of the house took 10 people! During his stay in hospital the woman began to lose weight. After recovery, Mayra Rosales decided to start a new life.
The woman started to engage in an intensely since 2011 and is constantly documented its success.
all she went through 11 operations, one of which was to reduce the stomach, and the rest - to remove excess skin.
Specialists help Myra to find the right diet and exercise.
The result exceeded all expectations!
This single-minded woman managed to prove that she can be happy and beautiful, if he wants. Her perseverance and the ability to achieve these goals can only envy. It is terrible even to think through what she went through to get rid of the monstrous weight. But Myra could and showed us all that everything in this life is possible, if you really want. Share the incredible story of a strong woman with your friends!
The woman started to engage in an intensely since 2011 and is constantly documented its success.

all she went through 11 operations, one of which was to reduce the stomach, and the rest - to remove excess skin.

Specialists help Myra to find the right diet and exercise.

The result exceeded all expectations!

This single-minded woman managed to prove that she can be happy and beautiful, if he wants. Her perseverance and the ability to achieve these goals can only envy. It is terrible even to think through what she went through to get rid of the monstrous weight. But Myra could and showed us all that everything in this life is possible, if you really want. Share the incredible story of a strong woman with your friends!
Simply select the door that you prefer. The path that you have chosen, will talk about your future ...
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