30 Otpad cards with sarcasm, that's great help to cope with a bad mood.
«Laughter without reason - sign fool» i>, - told us our grandmothers and, of course, were right. But a team of entertainment online magazine is convinced that it is not necessary to search for a special reason to laugh - sincere smile can always and everywhere, regardless of the foreign exchange, the weather outside the window and the economic situation in the country. As practice shows, the most powerful weapon in the fight against bad mood, misery and turmoil throughout the ages played sarcasm. It's such an amazing human ability, which is not taught in any school. Well, and the appropriateness of sarcasm in everyday life helps a lot to see in a different way to any unpleasant situation. Therefore, most of these positive charges the card and show Otpad language problems. I am sure that a good share of sarcasm not enough for you that day, and for a whole week. Love it!
We hope that these cards considerably raised you up! Life is too short to be sad and to grieve. After all, as they say, not every day can be good, but something good is sure to have every day!
Be sure to infect others a good mood, to share with him these cards Soul Plane.
via ofigenno ru
We hope that these cards considerably raised you up! Life is too short to be sad and to grieve. After all, as they say, not every day can be good, but something good is sure to have every day!
Be sure to infect others a good mood, to share with him these cards Soul Plane.
via ofigenno ru
The mind boggles, but the thickest inhabitant of the planet managed to lose 380 kilos!
It's hard to believe, but the people in the photo the difference in age is more than 100 years ... That this generation!