20 more outrageous practical jokes on April 1, that everyone will remember. Arrange your family holiday!
It's no secret that the first of April all merry celebrate April Fool's Day (or, as it is called in the United States, April Fools' Day). Even if you think that such holidays - bullshit, you can be sure: you also run the risk of willy-nilly "cool" to spend the day. After all, there is no guarantee you that a colleague in the office, your bosom friend, or even a child will not want to have a good laugh by playing you. And you can forget about the banal jokes about white back, "dirty behind the knee" or glued to the floor coins. This is the last century! Time flies like lightning, and drawings too, moved to a new level. And now you see this.
Today, the team has produced a website for you gorgeous collection of 20 fun, but pretty harmless April Fools' jokes, which are designed to raise all great mood. Do not be boring - Arrange a real holiday to your colleagues, friends and family at home! On this day, everything is forgivable. It's no wonder they say: «First of April - do not believe anyone!» I>
1. Lock the workstation using glasses. B>
Look at the reaction of his colleagues when he see this coming to work. I wonder what the poor man should have the superpowers to get to your table.
2. Add a little metallic silver into a boring working environment. B>
So you can play great colleagues or boss. True, it has to come well before the start of the day, but that does not make for the sake of good drawing!
3. Lotion not you going next? B>
This "blot" can be done easily with the help of glue and soap. Be careful with office equipment, especially in this "dangerous" day!
4. Now, products have eyes! B>
These self-adhesive eyes can be purchased at any store goods for needlework. Imagine the face of her husband at 6 am when he matter-of-factly open the fridge in search of goodies.
5. Sandwiches with a secret - a great idea. B>
Do not worry, this sandwich freshest, just packaged in a special package. But since no one will encroach on your food.
6. Frozen cooked breakfast - not for the faint of heart! B>
Imagine the face of your child, who has no idea that his breakfast stood all night in the freezer. The poor man will suffer for a long time to scoop frozen milk.
7. Carefully, the socks! B>
Favorite Socks Stitch her lover - in the morning it will be a long time to try to put them on, not realizing what was happening.
8. Unusual breakfast - just for gourmets. B>
If you think that this is the usual scrambled eggs, something very wrong. In fact it is canned peaches with yogurt. Be prepared for surprises!
9. Not royal case - on a conventional office chair to sit! B>
About this soft throne probably everyone dreams of your colleague. Especially the one who pretty annoy everyone.
10. Beware of the Car! B>
Bring bright colors in the life of a friend - adorn his car with colorful stickers.
11. Danger: rodent attack. B>
Threw workplace colleagues rats. It is desirable, of course, plush!
12. The drink, which you can not drink. B>
Jelly instead drink - incredibly fun idea. Closely observe how your family trying to take the first sip and who are the first to notice a dirty trick.
13. Ministry of Health warns: wash your hands with soap and water! B>
Only if all of a sudden it stops lather on April 1 - do not be surprised. Just someone opened it clear nail polish to make this day unforgettable.
14. Has contributed to the local urban landscape. B>
This rally for especially brave and desperate merry. Try thus hide another bike.
15. What goes around - comes around ...
This trick is perfect for kids. Offer your child before school to plant "seeds of donuts" (rings cereal), and when he comes back - put these donuts on the spot, saying that it is time to harvest.
16. Note: the appearance of a very loud! B>
This trick is pretty surprising, and even frighten your colleague. Watch the reaction!
17. Horror movies nervously smoking in aside ...
Photo Bank and water - not for the faint of heart surprise ready! I would not want to be in place of the one who sees it ...
18. Breakfast Breakfast strife. B>
On this day, it is very alert to what you eat. After all, one of the relatives could just change the contents of the boxes.
19. Sweet toast - Yum! B>
This is harmless and even "delicious" rally. Tell your child what to cook hot sandwiches with cheese. And then look at the expression on his face when he realizes that it is ... a sweet cake!
20. Be careful with unexpected finds! B>
Do not flatter yourself, if you suddenly see the dollar in the book, which took to check other. And do not be offended, it's only April Fool's joke.
Well, as you these jokes? I'm sure you'll be able to take something to your review and great to make fun of someone first of April. That's just be alert: you yourself can get caught in someone's trap! In any case you need to refer to the drawing without skepticism, because humor is known to considerably prolong life.
Share these brilliant ideas of April Fools jokes with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
Today, the team has produced a website for you gorgeous collection of 20 fun, but pretty harmless April Fools' jokes, which are designed to raise all great mood. Do not be boring - Arrange a real holiday to your colleagues, friends and family at home! On this day, everything is forgivable. It's no wonder they say: «First of April - do not believe anyone!» I>
1. Lock the workstation using glasses. B>
Look at the reaction of his colleagues when he see this coming to work. I wonder what the poor man should have the superpowers to get to your table.

2. Add a little metallic silver into a boring working environment. B>
So you can play great colleagues or boss. True, it has to come well before the start of the day, but that does not make for the sake of good drawing!

3. Lotion not you going next? B>
This "blot" can be done easily with the help of glue and soap. Be careful with office equipment, especially in this "dangerous" day!

4. Now, products have eyes! B>
These self-adhesive eyes can be purchased at any store goods for needlework. Imagine the face of her husband at 6 am when he matter-of-factly open the fridge in search of goodies.

5. Sandwiches with a secret - a great idea. B>
Do not worry, this sandwich freshest, just packaged in a special package. But since no one will encroach on your food.

6. Frozen cooked breakfast - not for the faint of heart! B>
Imagine the face of your child, who has no idea that his breakfast stood all night in the freezer. The poor man will suffer for a long time to scoop frozen milk.

7. Carefully, the socks! B>
Favorite Socks Stitch her lover - in the morning it will be a long time to try to put them on, not realizing what was happening.

8. Unusual breakfast - just for gourmets. B>
If you think that this is the usual scrambled eggs, something very wrong. In fact it is canned peaches with yogurt. Be prepared for surprises!

9. Not royal case - on a conventional office chair to sit! B>
About this soft throne probably everyone dreams of your colleague. Especially the one who pretty annoy everyone.

10. Beware of the Car! B>
Bring bright colors in the life of a friend - adorn his car with colorful stickers.

11. Danger: rodent attack. B>
Threw workplace colleagues rats. It is desirable, of course, plush!

12. The drink, which you can not drink. B>
Jelly instead drink - incredibly fun idea. Closely observe how your family trying to take the first sip and who are the first to notice a dirty trick.

13. Ministry of Health warns: wash your hands with soap and water! B>
Only if all of a sudden it stops lather on April 1 - do not be surprised. Just someone opened it clear nail polish to make this day unforgettable.

14. Has contributed to the local urban landscape. B>
This rally for especially brave and desperate merry. Try thus hide another bike.

15. What goes around - comes around ...
This trick is perfect for kids. Offer your child before school to plant "seeds of donuts" (rings cereal), and when he comes back - put these donuts on the spot, saying that it is time to harvest.

16. Note: the appearance of a very loud! B>
This trick is pretty surprising, and even frighten your colleague. Watch the reaction!

17. Horror movies nervously smoking in aside ...
Photo Bank and water - not for the faint of heart surprise ready! I would not want to be in place of the one who sees it ...

18. Breakfast Breakfast strife. B>
On this day, it is very alert to what you eat. After all, one of the relatives could just change the contents of the boxes.

19. Sweet toast - Yum! B>
This is harmless and even "delicious" rally. Tell your child what to cook hot sandwiches with cheese. And then look at the expression on his face when he realizes that it is ... a sweet cake!

20. Be careful with unexpected finds! B>
Do not flatter yourself, if you suddenly see the dollar in the book, which took to check other. And do not be offended, it's only April Fool's joke.

Well, as you these jokes? I'm sure you'll be able to take something to your review and great to make fun of someone first of April. That's just be alert: you yourself can get caught in someone's trap! In any case you need to refer to the drawing without skepticism, because humor is known to considerably prolong life.
Share these brilliant ideas of April Fools jokes with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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