It's hard to believe, but the people in the photo the difference in age is more than 100 years ... That this generation!
This photo is unknown elderly woman and her grandson touched the hearts of millions of people. Snapshot randomly hit the internet and conquered all his touching and symbolic. After all, it shows the great-grandmother, which has already turned 101 years old and her little grandson, who is not even a year. The fact that this elderly woman had the chance to hold her grandson in her arms - just incredible. It is impossible for her not to rejoice at such an important moment. This child probably will later regret that I was too young to remember his great-grandmother, but fortunately, it is this image that will serve as a reminder of her.
When you look at these photos, you begin to think about the transience of life. Today you bald baby, and tomorrow - a wrinkled old man. But nothing can be done, that is the nature of things - anything goes, but that is coming. Share this incredibly touching photo with your friends!
via ofigenno ru

When you look at these photos, you begin to think about the transience of life. Today you bald baby, and tomorrow - a wrinkled old man. But nothing can be done, that is the nature of things - anything goes, but that is coming. Share this incredibly touching photo with your friends!
via ofigenno ru
30 Otpad cards with sarcasm, that's great help to cope with a bad mood.
6 incredible life stories that make you a good think. Wise truth!