Footwear that is growing. The American came up with a brilliant thing to improve the lives of millions!
We are so accustomed to comfort, coziness, the abundance of products and goods that take it for granted, not even imagining what might be different. Here is a typical case of modern life, which suggests that human consumerism has reached a hitherto unimaginable level. A girl from the city of N in the US roars a third time, because the parents gave her a black late-model iPhone, and she wanted white! At this time on the other side of the world blond boy from a small European city I threw a fit mom and dad because they have managed to buy him sneakers Nike, and he wanted to Adidas. Surprisingly, at the same moment somewhere in Africa some grimy barefoot baby can not hold back tears of joy, because for the first time sees ... shoes.
All this is not footage of the PSAs, and the most that neither is a harsh reality. However, recently invented thing that can help millions of people in poor third world countries.
The inventor-innovator Kenton Lee understands that in areas where poverty flourishes, parents simply can not afford to buy children's shoes - this luxury they can not afford. As you know, because children are growing by leaps and bounds, so it is often a lot of things they are fast becoming small. Change shoes on as the growing baby's legs, the majority of parents in poor areas simply do not have the possibility. B>
So man has invented an amazing thing: shoes that ... grows with the child's foot. According to Kenton, such a thing can be easily adjusted by means of special rivets. B>
According to the authors, these sandals can increase by as much as five (!) sizes, which average five years of good socks.
«In the world lives more than 300 million children who do not what to put on shoes. And countless people who wears shoes is not the size » i>, - divided Kenton Lee. He is convinced that the need - the main engine of progress. B>
This footwear is designed to help kids avoid the numerous injuries, bites, scratches, infections they picked up, driving barefoot. This is a good step in the fight against infectious diseases, which affect those regions.
Kenton put together a team that is working on a new design solution. They believe that such a finding can protect and improve the lives of the needy millionaov on the planet. B>
//player.vimeo.com/video/123747962?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Желаем Good luck guys, enthusiasts have come up with something brilliant and began to implement it in life. We will keep the cams to their intentions fully implemented, and children living in poor regions become a little bit better.
It considers that such an invention is really worthy of attention? Then show this article to all your friends!
All this is not footage of the PSAs, and the most that neither is a harsh reality. However, recently invented thing that can help millions of people in poor third world countries.
The inventor-innovator Kenton Lee understands that in areas where poverty flourishes, parents simply can not afford to buy children's shoes - this luxury they can not afford. As you know, because children are growing by leaps and bounds, so it is often a lot of things they are fast becoming small. Change shoes on as the growing baby's legs, the majority of parents in poor areas simply do not have the possibility. B>

So man has invented an amazing thing: shoes that ... grows with the child's foot. According to Kenton, such a thing can be easily adjusted by means of special rivets. B>

According to the authors, these sandals can increase by as much as five (!) sizes, which average five years of good socks.

«In the world lives more than 300 million children who do not what to put on shoes. And countless people who wears shoes is not the size » i>, - divided Kenton Lee. He is convinced that the need - the main engine of progress. B>

This footwear is designed to help kids avoid the numerous injuries, bites, scratches, infections they picked up, driving barefoot. This is a good step in the fight against infectious diseases, which affect those regions.

Kenton put together a team that is working on a new design solution. They believe that such a finding can protect and improve the lives of the needy millionaov on the planet. B>
//player.vimeo.com/video/123747962?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Желаем Good luck guys, enthusiasts have come up with something brilliant and began to implement it in life. We will keep the cams to their intentions fully implemented, and children living in poor regions become a little bit better.
It considers that such an invention is really worthy of attention? Then show this article to all your friends!
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