Such hear only in Odessa! Colorful Pearl of the locals for all tastes.
Who has not been in Odessa, to not understand ... It's a real city paradox: only here, where the sea hand file, fish Privoz can be very questionable freshness. Only here you can walk around with a notebook and record the statements of every passer-by: Odessans exactly suitable for a word in the pocket do not climb! Only in Odessa-mother you learn to trade with all and every. Casual conversations residents pearl of the sea is so colorful, vibrant, unique and unpredictable, it would be desirable to disassemble them for quotes. If you've never been to Odessa - you have lost half of my life. A day spent in the city, extends the life is not something that for a month, and for a whole year! Not for nothing do they say that Odessa - is not a resident of the beautiful city by the sea, a separate nationality! continues to acquaint you with a thin Odessa humor, which they write books, make films and come up with a legend. Charges portion choice positives with us!
You are still in a bad mood? Then quickly pack their bags and blow to Odessa - there you definitely will not be bored. Believe me, the locals will do to this city forever remain in your memory. Such a concentration of healthy humor and biting irony can not be found in any place on earth. This makes the unique city of Odessa.
I'm sure you're not one of those who, in a fit of laughter forget about friends. Share them with this hilarious article, they injure the stomach from laughing!
via ofigenno ru

You are still in a bad mood? Then quickly pack their bags and blow to Odessa - there you definitely will not be bored. Believe me, the locals will do to this city forever remain in your memory. Such a concentration of healthy humor and biting irony can not be found in any place on earth. This makes the unique city of Odessa.
I'm sure you're not one of those who, in a fit of laughter forget about friends. Share them with this hilarious article, they injure the stomach from laughing!
via ofigenno ru
20 rare photos of Audrey Hepburn, who will open it to you with a completely different side.
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