Umatovye pictures from the series "How I spent my summer ... There is something to remember, but ashamed to show the children."
Otshumeli summer rains ... At least 9 months blizhayzhih not those sultry days when you breathed in the summer air filled with hope and anticipation of new achievements, and simply naive and perhaps a little childishly happy life. Nevertheless, the fact that summer is gone, in any case should not be a cause for sadness. Cheer up, greet, and scarlet autumn Save your strength for the next summer. And yet we can remember how we spent our summers, and not ours, in general, it does not matter.
It's funny to tears 25 pictures from the series "How I spent my summer ... There is something to remember, but ashamed to show the children».
I can not believe that all these crazy live among us. I guarantee you bagless positive from this page will not leave!
The boy, probably somewhere in store crumbs ...
resourceful and creative - our all!
It is unlikely that he will talk about children ...
Heat, light and flies do not bite.
Ladder fools, sorry, fisherwoman.
4 Friday for a week.
That's what brings the heat!
The athlete, member of the Komsomol and just beautiful!
High Society, anyway ...
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Hey, I do not envy the guy ...
Slavery in its purest form.
Perhaps so lucky!
The stupidity does not spend on drink ...
Type I sfotkatsya athlete.
About the great Ra!
And you do not touch, do not touch me! Do not ask me stupid questions in vain! B>
Frankly, some of the images are puzzling. What did not come to mind to our people! Share these gags of a bygone summer with my friends.
via ofigenno ru
It's funny to tears 25 pictures from the series "How I spent my summer ... There is something to remember, but ashamed to show the children».
I can not believe that all these crazy live among us. I guarantee you bagless positive from this page will not leave!
The boy, probably somewhere in store crumbs ...

resourceful and creative - our all!

It is unlikely that he will talk about children ...

Heat, light and flies do not bite.
Ladder fools, sorry, fisherwoman.

4 Friday for a week.
That's what brings the heat!
The athlete, member of the Komsomol and just beautiful!

High Society, anyway ...

No comments yet.
Hey, I do not envy the guy ...

Slavery in its purest form.

Perhaps so lucky!

The stupidity does not spend on drink ...
Type I sfotkatsya athlete.
About the great Ra!
And you do not touch, do not touch me! Do not ask me stupid questions in vain! B>

Frankly, some of the images are puzzling. What did not come to mind to our people! Share these gags of a bygone summer with my friends.
via ofigenno ru
Umatovyh 25 shots in the series "How I spent my summer ... There is something to remember, but ashamed to show the children."
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