13 things, the existence of which you had no idea. It's not for wimps!
Our world is full of wonders. Sometimes one wonders just how much unexplained around. We like to unlock the secrets of nature, but it is not always good secrets. There are things whose existence and do not want to know. And learn to forget soon! These terrible facts for daredevils. But be careful with the reading: could a nightmare.
Rat King
The phenomenon is so hideous that it is difficult to believe in its reality. rat communicate with their tails in the blood, dust, ice or marsh, the light appears terrifying creature. The scary stories of folklore it is called the Rat King, who brings a lot of trouble.
locked-in syndrome
Syndromes of this rare disease undermine all efforts. The patient is mentally and psychologically healthy, but feels almost complete paralysis of the muscles, up to the eye. This means that to see everything around the patient can only interact with the world that's not coming out. In fact, people with such a terrible violation okazazyvayutsya hostage of his body.
Brad Kotar
Brad Kotar - very scary real disease where a person believes that he is dead. Refusal of independent existence at that mental disorders actually enters into a nightmare.
History of June and Jennifer Gibbons
Everyone thought that the twins of Jennifer Welsh June and dumb since birth. But who knew what they were talking only to each other. Isolated in their bedrooms, the sisters over the years to play dolls together and create plays. Soon, the game scored a real, and a criminal nature. Twins committed several arson, for which he was arrested. Later it became known about their secret agreement: only after the death of one of the sisters, the other may already be fully live and interact with people. Jennifer left the light suddenly, and the reasons are still unclear. «I'm finally free. Sister died for me » i>, - said Jane, start a new life
Murder on the farm Hinterkayfek
Hinterkayfek tiny family farm in the north of Munich, Germany, is known for the most bizarre crimes in the history of the country. 31 March 1922 6 family shower, two of whom even had an incestuous relationship, had been killed with an ax. The murders remain unsolved to this day.
tarrare and his appetite
French actor and farcical soldier named tarrare, who was born in 1772, remembered by all his crazy eating habits. What he just did not eat, you still could not enjoy. He ate everything from cats and dogs up corpses from morgues. By now such a strange shape polyphagy not yet managed to explain.
Fish Paku
Such fish with teeth like a man, really scary. They are found in South America, although one Nibbler somehow swollen and France. Also in Papua, New Guinea, there have been cases where men fish bit off attractions. Swim there just is not necessary!
Remember the horrible scene from the film "Lost", where in a vacuum heard unexplained hum. Only now, we will focus on the real thing. UVB-76, or by the people "Hummer" - a radio station that broadcasts throughout the day short buzz - an average of 25 times per minute. The origins and purpose of the station has always been unknown, which makes this phenomenon yet another unexplained mystery of the world.
Gorka Euthanasia
What is it the twisted? Gorka euthanasia - is the design of the steel of the attraction, which is literally made to kill people riding on it. Designer Dzhulienas Urbonas with the London Royal College of Arts considers that the slide reveals all sense of life - from eyforii to death. I doubt that anyone would want to go there!
Mystery Uayholla
The building at Scotland Yard in 1888 were found the dismembered remains of neizvesinoy woman in three different locations. But her head, left arm and right leg were not found at all. To this day, the identity of the murderer under the big question mark. Maybe it was Jack the Ripper? Hurry to figure it out.
«Therapy» cat Oscar
In one of the rehabilitation centers Rhode Island cat lives with frightening vain: he predicts the death of the patient. Back in 2010 the cat pointed to the impending death of about 50 terminally ill patients. Oscar is not wrong in the predictions. If it is for a long time to stay near the patient, it's time to notify relatives. This pet cat even scary!
Case "Tamam shud» b & gt;
This unsolved murder was the source of speculation for years. December 1, 1948, in South Australia, was found dead of an unknown man. His body was lying in a scrap book with the words "Tamam shud" "or" completed "in Persian. As it turned out, it was a piece of paper from the Persian "Rubaiyat", and in the original book was even a secret code inside the cover. Many associate dealing with the sacraments of the Cold War. However, the public interest in the unnamed victim and his strange death only grows over time. B>
Les Aokigahara
Aokigahara - a forest at the foot of Mount Fuji, which is commonly referred to as a "sea of trees" or "Forest of Suicides." Along with the Golden Gate Bridge, the forest is considered one of the most common places of suicides worldwide. Aokigahara famous rocky caves and terrifying silence. They say he was often visited by demons of Japanese mythology. Because of this, each year the annual search in the woods.
Just by the fact of the reality of things like hair on end. But now more is known the nature of the sacraments. And your friends know them? They will be terribly interesting!
Rat King
The phenomenon is so hideous that it is difficult to believe in its reality. rat communicate with their tails in the blood, dust, ice or marsh, the light appears terrifying creature. The scary stories of folklore it is called the Rat King, who brings a lot of trouble.

locked-in syndrome
Syndromes of this rare disease undermine all efforts. The patient is mentally and psychologically healthy, but feels almost complete paralysis of the muscles, up to the eye. This means that to see everything around the patient can only interact with the world that's not coming out. In fact, people with such a terrible violation okazazyvayutsya hostage of his body.

Brad Kotar
Brad Kotar - very scary real disease where a person believes that he is dead. Refusal of independent existence at that mental disorders actually enters into a nightmare.

History of June and Jennifer Gibbons
Everyone thought that the twins of Jennifer Welsh June and dumb since birth. But who knew what they were talking only to each other. Isolated in their bedrooms, the sisters over the years to play dolls together and create plays. Soon, the game scored a real, and a criminal nature. Twins committed several arson, for which he was arrested. Later it became known about their secret agreement: only after the death of one of the sisters, the other may already be fully live and interact with people. Jennifer left the light suddenly, and the reasons are still unclear. «I'm finally free. Sister died for me » i>, - said Jane, start a new life

Murder on the farm Hinterkayfek
Hinterkayfek tiny family farm in the north of Munich, Germany, is known for the most bizarre crimes in the history of the country. 31 March 1922 6 family shower, two of whom even had an incestuous relationship, had been killed with an ax. The murders remain unsolved to this day.

tarrare and his appetite
French actor and farcical soldier named tarrare, who was born in 1772, remembered by all his crazy eating habits. What he just did not eat, you still could not enjoy. He ate everything from cats and dogs up corpses from morgues. By now such a strange shape polyphagy not yet managed to explain.

Fish Paku
Such fish with teeth like a man, really scary. They are found in South America, although one Nibbler somehow swollen and France. Also in Papua, New Guinea, there have been cases where men fish bit off attractions. Swim there just is not necessary!

Remember the horrible scene from the film "Lost", where in a vacuum heard unexplained hum. Only now, we will focus on the real thing. UVB-76, or by the people "Hummer" - a radio station that broadcasts throughout the day short buzz - an average of 25 times per minute. The origins and purpose of the station has always been unknown, which makes this phenomenon yet another unexplained mystery of the world.

Gorka Euthanasia
What is it the twisted? Gorka euthanasia - is the design of the steel of the attraction, which is literally made to kill people riding on it. Designer Dzhulienas Urbonas with the London Royal College of Arts considers that the slide reveals all sense of life - from eyforii to death. I doubt that anyone would want to go there!

Mystery Uayholla
The building at Scotland Yard in 1888 were found the dismembered remains of neizvesinoy woman in three different locations. But her head, left arm and right leg were not found at all. To this day, the identity of the murderer under the big question mark. Maybe it was Jack the Ripper? Hurry to figure it out.

«Therapy» cat Oscar
In one of the rehabilitation centers Rhode Island cat lives with frightening vain: he predicts the death of the patient. Back in 2010 the cat pointed to the impending death of about 50 terminally ill patients. Oscar is not wrong in the predictions. If it is for a long time to stay near the patient, it's time to notify relatives. This pet cat even scary!

Case "Tamam shud» b & gt;
This unsolved murder was the source of speculation for years. December 1, 1948, in South Australia, was found dead of an unknown man. His body was lying in a scrap book with the words "Tamam shud" "or" completed "in Persian. As it turned out, it was a piece of paper from the Persian "Rubaiyat", and in the original book was even a secret code inside the cover. Many associate dealing with the sacraments of the Cold War. However, the public interest in the unnamed victim and his strange death only grows over time. B>

Les Aokigahara
Aokigahara - a forest at the foot of Mount Fuji, which is commonly referred to as a "sea of trees" or "Forest of Suicides." Along with the Golden Gate Bridge, the forest is considered one of the most common places of suicides worldwide. Aokigahara famous rocky caves and terrifying silence. They say he was often visited by demons of Japanese mythology. Because of this, each year the annual search in the woods.

Just by the fact of the reality of things like hair on end. But now more is known the nature of the sacraments. And your friends know them? They will be terribly interesting!
The more you give, the more gains ... Valuable thoughts of the wise man of the power of the present.
He decided not to spend money on rent. And that's what came out of it ...