The life of a woman at the 1, 5 minutes. Surprisingly inspiring video!

Tell the story of a lifetime in a short video - not an easy task. Especially when the matter aside as much as 90 seconds. What will tell the world in such a short time? As it turns out, nothing complicated in this task no. The whole life of the protagonist roll unfolds before you like a filmstrip tape. That girl is still in the cradle, and then she was learning to crawl. The school, adolescence, adolescence, marriage, children, grandchildren - the whole life of a woman flying in front of our eyes. But no matter what happens, no matter what somersault makes life of the protagonist roll, still it is a real woman.

Yes, this video - a renowned British advertising network shops. However, such advertising as it ceases to be just a "motor trade" and becomes something akin to art. This is not the usual annoying garbage galore rolling in our heads on television!

I liked the video? Share with your friends! It is always useful to remind ourselves and others, and how fast time flies.