Emotional zero
At first I called this section "Emotional zero" and then "Emotional switch". But that's not it either. The fact that the rule so that the man didn't have any emotions, does not happen. The emotional tone that reflects the state of our internal organs, called mood. Something happens, and the emotional life becomes more pronounced, there is a feeling – positive or negative.
Significant events likely to affect, in which the rapid expression of feelings accompanied by motor responses, some disorganization of behavior. Remember, sometimes behave as players who won an important match.
Pronounced and prolonged particular emotion is called passion (love, hate, hot passion any kind of activities, etc.). "Passions are the winds inflating sails of the ship, sometimes they drown, but without them he could not swim, "wrote Voltaire.
And only in severe mental illness all feeling may be lost, there comes apathy. In a healthy person apathy as such does not happen. What in everyday life is called apathy, just expressed mild sadness. But there are two conditions that can be called emotionless. Is boredom and surprise.
Baudelaire is not without reason called boredom greatest Vice. Boredom occurs when the brain is not affected by emotionally salient stimuli (and for our normal health you need to 40%, as mentioned above) and he is deprived of necessary stimulation.
This state can be likened to when food has no calories, and the air of oxygen and carbon dioxide. That's why boredom could not withstand one. Schopenhauer believed that humanity is torn between misery and boredom.
Those who manage to escape need, in every corner of the lurking boredom. The best boredom save trouble. Need to get out, to get out of the situation! Stimuli that cause positive emotions, and help from boredom for a while, and the constant luck can lead to great sorrow.
Very revealing in this respect such a legend has come down to us from the ancient world.
The ruler of the island of Samos to Policyto always and in all luck. In any case, he succeeded. In military campaigns invariably triumphed. Samos became one of the most powerful and wealthy of the Hellenic States. The brilliant successes of POLYCRETE alarmed him friend and ally of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis.
And he sent the samian ruler's message: "of Course, it's nice to know that your friend and ally happy and things are going well for him. But your constant good luck is not very pleasing to me. I know: the gods envious. So I wish you as wish all your friends love and respect to one managed and the other is not. I myself wish it could be me in my lifetime was accompanied by both successes and failures. I've never met such a person who always was and who would then not have any trouble. Listen to my advice and for your own happiness by doing so, as I say, the most valuable thing for you try to lose or destroy. This loss will break your monotonous happiness, which I am sure good will not."
Very surprised Poligrat by reading this message. How can a man go against his destiny? But the more I pondered, the more convinced of the wisdom of the words of Amasis. His eyes fell on a large emerald ring set in gold, which he wore on the middle finger. He believed that this ring brings him luck. After much doubt Poligrat decided to follow the advice of Amasis.
He fitted out a great ship and went with his retinue to the sea. When the ship reached the middle of the sea, Poligrat took off his favorite ring, kissed it and threw it into the sea, and saddened by the returned to the Palace.
Soon to the Royal chambers was a fisherman. He brought the gift of POLYCRETE unusual fish of enormous size: I thought, my king, that this fish is a worthy gift to you. Please, don't refuse to accept my humble gift.
Poligrat happy such a rare gift. He was in good spirits and invited the fisherman for lunch. Imagine how surprised the courtiers, knowing that the servants, gutting a fish, found in its belly Polycrates ring, which he threw into the sea!
Doubts could not be: the gods send Policyto luck for good luck. All the courtiers were praising their king, the most happy person in the world. So Polycrates ring went down in history.
The incident convinced of Amasis that person from the fate not go away. He sent for The Herald to announce that tears a friendship with Polycrates. But did the Amasis so because I didn't want to complain about POLYCRETE as a friend, when it will suffer a terrible misfortune.
Flying around the world the fame of the extraordinary luck of POLYCRETE made him cocky and greedy. Many powerful rulers have hated the samian king. Blindly believing in luck, Poligrat he was cheating, although all relatives warned him. As a result, he was killed and crucified. After learning about the death of POLYCRETE, many concluded that although the Amasis and was not a victim of fate, but was astute and foresaw what troubles promises outrageous fortune.
Recall again the fate of Eugene Onegin, which all got bored. Remember how they complained of their fate Sobakevich. Even in good health he was a burden, and he wished he had a pimple of some popped up.
Ordinary life is boring and flat. This is well known by experienced generals. In the army there is a saying: "If there is no war, keep the troops busy". I began my career as a doctor of the military unit and can confirm that most of the violations occurred on weekends and holidays. If the holidays lasted three or four days, the officers life was hell.
Today, when we have an intensive stratification into rich and poor, can predict the fate of the rich. When the period of primary accumulation, during which boredom certainly won't be when the money will be enough to meet almost any need and further the accumulation order to meet the "sold" needs to be devoid of meaning, many of the rich possess the boredom.
If the air is no oxygen, the person dies in five minutes, but if it is enough, all will be well. And oxygen change is not necessary. As for emotional stimuli, here the situation is quite different. If emotionally significant stimulus does not change either qualitatively or quantitatively, after a while it becomes neutral. "Yes, and the whistle of bullets you get used to it!"– said Lermontov's Maxim Maksimych.
Even faster people get used to permanent stimuli that evoke positive emotions. Remember how fast going out of fashion clothes, and music, movies and books that have recently been so popular!
The monotony, the lack of spirituality of family relationships leads to boredom, and the same spouse (same stimulus) evokes not joy but anger. Quite often, whole life becomes an escape from boredom. Boring is not your face, but it goes through the switch to negative emotions – anxiety, fear, guilt, often combined with a sense of loneliness.
Most people consider the source of boredom to the absence of external impressions, interesting people or events, while a source of boredom, as rightly believed Schopenhauer, is inner emptiness. She demands to be filled with something.
If the person is not interested himself, he sets out in pursuit of external experiences, trying to stir your mind and soul, to hide defects in their mental organization. Hence, base entertainment (wine, gambling), hence the constant need to communicate, trying to soak up the spirituality of others.
Nothing saves you from these troubles, says Schopenhauer, as inner wealth, the wealth of the spirit, original thinking, intelligence, ability to see the new in the familiar, etc. All this makes a person interesting first of all for himself. He is not afraid of loneliness. It for him as welcome as communication with others.
So how do you fight boredom?
One way – self-improvement, enrichment of their spiritual lives. Dear reader! I hope you got a great education that you have never had a spiritual emptiness that you always been interesting to himself. I, unfortunately, was not lucky.
After graduating from school with a medal, defeating in the yard of his peers in chess, and learned that Tatyana Larina Onegin rejected, because he did not dare to challenge the society and Anna Karenina, this has thrown a challenge that Pechorin almost revolutionary, that to the I. P. Pavlov physiology sushestvovalo that genetics is the "whore" that psychoanalytic psychotherapy direction – the handmaidens of capitalism, and I am a representative of the best that can be, I'm very bored.
I feel great, alone, unrecognized and misunderstood. The result is sick. The disease was long enough. But I was left alone my friends become 3. Freud, F. Perla, A. S. Pushkin, Jack London, Dante, Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer and others. . And here is the world transformed.
I saw the wretchedness and vulgarity of the above interpretations of literary images. Understand that at the time, the teacher unfairly got a " d " to my classmate for what he wrote in the essay: "Tatiana has not responded to feelings Onegin, because I already disliked him and considered a parody of the then fashionable literary heroes:
And begins slowly
My Tatiana to understand
Clearer now – thank God —
On whom it is to breathe
Condemned by fate power...
... What is he? It possible that the imitation,
A tiny Ghost, Il
A Muscovite in the cloak Heroldova,
Other people's quirks the interpretation,
Words fashionable full vocabulary?..
I do not parody it?"
You with this thought to disagree, but it is original in its own way and has a right to exist.
Taking up chess seriously, I saw that beauty in chess not only in moves, but in alternatives. Realized that I. P. Pavlov, the great physiologist and deservedly received the Nobel prize for research on digestion, but in addition it has Anokhin, Selye and many others. . And physiology ceased to be for me a boring science.
It became clear that genetics is not a "whore", but she makes me certain boundaries (God forbid I walk to them), I stopped doing that did not correspond to my nature, and began to develop the qualities that I had. This will save a lot of energy, which previously had been wasted in vain.
I realized that psychotherapists psychoanalytic directions never waited, and began to study their work. It was scientists who honestly expressed their opinions. Among them were geniuses that if something is not done, simply because the level of development of science of the time they will not allow it. Their work gave me valuable knowledge. And each time, returning to a particular work, I find it new.
I appreciated Frankl's advice: act according to your conscience, but remember that your conscience can be wrong. Here then arises the acceptance of other people, it will be easier to change my position if the facts show that you were wrong, will fade stubbornness.
Then I realized that there are no fundamental changes in our society will not happen as long as there is a large number of people with a spiritual void until the real work begins to eliminate it. I urge you to self-improvement. It is very interesting work! She will be alive and you will never be bored.
Surprise and boredom, can not be called an emotional state. Surprisingly familiar to everyone, but find it hard to describe. It occurs when an unexpected event does not last long, and at this point it seems that the thought processes stopped. People do not know how to respond, has a sheepish look. Actually at this time thinking is working very hard decision. Surprisingly conducive to mental development. When a person ceases to surprise, it ceases.
Surprising people is to object in the matter – no. That's why a state of wonder most people evaluates positively, and if ask you to think of a time when you wondered, you talk about the situation pleasant and joyful.
Through the wonder in our everyday life is shifting from one emotional state to another. Imagine that you just saw on TV a particularly sad episode of "wild rose".
Your whole body, your thoughts work in a mode of sadness, so you are somewhat relaxed. But you went outside and saw men fighting in the manner of two women. You will be surprised, stopped for a moment. And sadness had disappeared. We need to understand! Your thinking is included in a new situation once you figured out, angry, or afraid, or interested.
So, surprise performs the output function of the nervous system of the state in which it is at present, and adapting it to sudden changes in our environment.
Michael Litvak: the Person who is shamed, lose self-esteema Wicked word hurts more than it seems
Surprise is an emotion, cleansing the channels, it's a rag that wipes out all that it had just been written. As noted, Izard, the sudden appearance of a poisonous snake or a speeding car in the way of a person who is depressed, could mean certain death, if surprisingly not contributed to a change in his condition.published
Source: litvak.me/statyi/article_post/bezemotsionalnyye-sostoyaniya
Significant events likely to affect, in which the rapid expression of feelings accompanied by motor responses, some disorganization of behavior. Remember, sometimes behave as players who won an important match.
Pronounced and prolonged particular emotion is called passion (love, hate, hot passion any kind of activities, etc.). "Passions are the winds inflating sails of the ship, sometimes they drown, but without them he could not swim, "wrote Voltaire.

And only in severe mental illness all feeling may be lost, there comes apathy. In a healthy person apathy as such does not happen. What in everyday life is called apathy, just expressed mild sadness. But there are two conditions that can be called emotionless. Is boredom and surprise.
Baudelaire is not without reason called boredom greatest Vice. Boredom occurs when the brain is not affected by emotionally salient stimuli (and for our normal health you need to 40%, as mentioned above) and he is deprived of necessary stimulation.
This state can be likened to when food has no calories, and the air of oxygen and carbon dioxide. That's why boredom could not withstand one. Schopenhauer believed that humanity is torn between misery and boredom.
Those who manage to escape need, in every corner of the lurking boredom. The best boredom save trouble. Need to get out, to get out of the situation! Stimuli that cause positive emotions, and help from boredom for a while, and the constant luck can lead to great sorrow.

Very revealing in this respect such a legend has come down to us from the ancient world.
The ruler of the island of Samos to Policyto always and in all luck. In any case, he succeeded. In military campaigns invariably triumphed. Samos became one of the most powerful and wealthy of the Hellenic States. The brilliant successes of POLYCRETE alarmed him friend and ally of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis.
And he sent the samian ruler's message: "of Course, it's nice to know that your friend and ally happy and things are going well for him. But your constant good luck is not very pleasing to me. I know: the gods envious. So I wish you as wish all your friends love and respect to one managed and the other is not. I myself wish it could be me in my lifetime was accompanied by both successes and failures. I've never met such a person who always was and who would then not have any trouble. Listen to my advice and for your own happiness by doing so, as I say, the most valuable thing for you try to lose or destroy. This loss will break your monotonous happiness, which I am sure good will not."
Very surprised Poligrat by reading this message. How can a man go against his destiny? But the more I pondered, the more convinced of the wisdom of the words of Amasis. His eyes fell on a large emerald ring set in gold, which he wore on the middle finger. He believed that this ring brings him luck. After much doubt Poligrat decided to follow the advice of Amasis.
He fitted out a great ship and went with his retinue to the sea. When the ship reached the middle of the sea, Poligrat took off his favorite ring, kissed it and threw it into the sea, and saddened by the returned to the Palace.
Soon to the Royal chambers was a fisherman. He brought the gift of POLYCRETE unusual fish of enormous size: I thought, my king, that this fish is a worthy gift to you. Please, don't refuse to accept my humble gift.
Poligrat happy such a rare gift. He was in good spirits and invited the fisherman for lunch. Imagine how surprised the courtiers, knowing that the servants, gutting a fish, found in its belly Polycrates ring, which he threw into the sea!
Doubts could not be: the gods send Policyto luck for good luck. All the courtiers were praising their king, the most happy person in the world. So Polycrates ring went down in history.
The incident convinced of Amasis that person from the fate not go away. He sent for The Herald to announce that tears a friendship with Polycrates. But did the Amasis so because I didn't want to complain about POLYCRETE as a friend, when it will suffer a terrible misfortune.
Flying around the world the fame of the extraordinary luck of POLYCRETE made him cocky and greedy. Many powerful rulers have hated the samian king. Blindly believing in luck, Poligrat he was cheating, although all relatives warned him. As a result, he was killed and crucified. After learning about the death of POLYCRETE, many concluded that although the Amasis and was not a victim of fate, but was astute and foresaw what troubles promises outrageous fortune.
Recall again the fate of Eugene Onegin, which all got bored. Remember how they complained of their fate Sobakevich. Even in good health he was a burden, and he wished he had a pimple of some popped up.
Ordinary life is boring and flat. This is well known by experienced generals. In the army there is a saying: "If there is no war, keep the troops busy". I began my career as a doctor of the military unit and can confirm that most of the violations occurred on weekends and holidays. If the holidays lasted three or four days, the officers life was hell.
Today, when we have an intensive stratification into rich and poor, can predict the fate of the rich. When the period of primary accumulation, during which boredom certainly won't be when the money will be enough to meet almost any need and further the accumulation order to meet the "sold" needs to be devoid of meaning, many of the rich possess the boredom.
If the air is no oxygen, the person dies in five minutes, but if it is enough, all will be well. And oxygen change is not necessary. As for emotional stimuli, here the situation is quite different. If emotionally significant stimulus does not change either qualitatively or quantitatively, after a while it becomes neutral. "Yes, and the whistle of bullets you get used to it!"– said Lermontov's Maxim Maksimych.
Even faster people get used to permanent stimuli that evoke positive emotions. Remember how fast going out of fashion clothes, and music, movies and books that have recently been so popular!
The monotony, the lack of spirituality of family relationships leads to boredom, and the same spouse (same stimulus) evokes not joy but anger. Quite often, whole life becomes an escape from boredom. Boring is not your face, but it goes through the switch to negative emotions – anxiety, fear, guilt, often combined with a sense of loneliness.
Most people consider the source of boredom to the absence of external impressions, interesting people or events, while a source of boredom, as rightly believed Schopenhauer, is inner emptiness. She demands to be filled with something.
If the person is not interested himself, he sets out in pursuit of external experiences, trying to stir your mind and soul, to hide defects in their mental organization. Hence, base entertainment (wine, gambling), hence the constant need to communicate, trying to soak up the spirituality of others.
Nothing saves you from these troubles, says Schopenhauer, as inner wealth, the wealth of the spirit, original thinking, intelligence, ability to see the new in the familiar, etc. All this makes a person interesting first of all for himself. He is not afraid of loneliness. It for him as welcome as communication with others.

So how do you fight boredom?
One way – self-improvement, enrichment of their spiritual lives. Dear reader! I hope you got a great education that you have never had a spiritual emptiness that you always been interesting to himself. I, unfortunately, was not lucky.
After graduating from school with a medal, defeating in the yard of his peers in chess, and learned that Tatyana Larina Onegin rejected, because he did not dare to challenge the society and Anna Karenina, this has thrown a challenge that Pechorin almost revolutionary, that to the I. P. Pavlov physiology sushestvovalo that genetics is the "whore" that psychoanalytic psychotherapy direction – the handmaidens of capitalism, and I am a representative of the best that can be, I'm very bored.
I feel great, alone, unrecognized and misunderstood. The result is sick. The disease was long enough. But I was left alone my friends become 3. Freud, F. Perla, A. S. Pushkin, Jack London, Dante, Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer and others. . And here is the world transformed.
I saw the wretchedness and vulgarity of the above interpretations of literary images. Understand that at the time, the teacher unfairly got a " d " to my classmate for what he wrote in the essay: "Tatiana has not responded to feelings Onegin, because I already disliked him and considered a parody of the then fashionable literary heroes:
And begins slowly
My Tatiana to understand
Clearer now – thank God —
On whom it is to breathe
Condemned by fate power...
... What is he? It possible that the imitation,
A tiny Ghost, Il
A Muscovite in the cloak Heroldova,
Other people's quirks the interpretation,
Words fashionable full vocabulary?..
I do not parody it?"
You with this thought to disagree, but it is original in its own way and has a right to exist.
Taking up chess seriously, I saw that beauty in chess not only in moves, but in alternatives. Realized that I. P. Pavlov, the great physiologist and deservedly received the Nobel prize for research on digestion, but in addition it has Anokhin, Selye and many others. . And physiology ceased to be for me a boring science.
It became clear that genetics is not a "whore", but she makes me certain boundaries (God forbid I walk to them), I stopped doing that did not correspond to my nature, and began to develop the qualities that I had. This will save a lot of energy, which previously had been wasted in vain.
I realized that psychotherapists psychoanalytic directions never waited, and began to study their work. It was scientists who honestly expressed their opinions. Among them were geniuses that if something is not done, simply because the level of development of science of the time they will not allow it. Their work gave me valuable knowledge. And each time, returning to a particular work, I find it new.
I appreciated Frankl's advice: act according to your conscience, but remember that your conscience can be wrong. Here then arises the acceptance of other people, it will be easier to change my position if the facts show that you were wrong, will fade stubbornness.
Then I realized that there are no fundamental changes in our society will not happen as long as there is a large number of people with a spiritual void until the real work begins to eliminate it. I urge you to self-improvement. It is very interesting work! She will be alive and you will never be bored.

Surprise and boredom, can not be called an emotional state. Surprisingly familiar to everyone, but find it hard to describe. It occurs when an unexpected event does not last long, and at this point it seems that the thought processes stopped. People do not know how to respond, has a sheepish look. Actually at this time thinking is working very hard decision. Surprisingly conducive to mental development. When a person ceases to surprise, it ceases.
Surprising people is to object in the matter – no. That's why a state of wonder most people evaluates positively, and if ask you to think of a time when you wondered, you talk about the situation pleasant and joyful.
Through the wonder in our everyday life is shifting from one emotional state to another. Imagine that you just saw on TV a particularly sad episode of "wild rose".
Your whole body, your thoughts work in a mode of sadness, so you are somewhat relaxed. But you went outside and saw men fighting in the manner of two women. You will be surprised, stopped for a moment. And sadness had disappeared. We need to understand! Your thinking is included in a new situation once you figured out, angry, or afraid, or interested.
So, surprise performs the output function of the nervous system of the state in which it is at present, and adapting it to sudden changes in our environment.
Michael Litvak: the Person who is shamed, lose self-esteema Wicked word hurts more than it seems
Surprise is an emotion, cleansing the channels, it's a rag that wipes out all that it had just been written. As noted, Izard, the sudden appearance of a poisonous snake or a speeding car in the way of a person who is depressed, could mean certain death, if surprisingly not contributed to a change in his condition.published
Source: litvak.me/statyi/article_post/bezemotsionalnyye-sostoyaniya