12 wise quotes Louis de Funes. Serious sayings of the great comedian.
Exactly 101 years ago, July 31, 1914 was born the outstanding actor - Louis de Funes. He was able to fall in love with millions of people with its unmatched game. Few actors are so good command of facial expressions to convey the strong emotions that could effortlessly portray Louis de Funes.
First of all, he became famous as a comedian, but his talent is much wider and diverse. Louis de Funes, in addition to his native French, excellent knowledge of English and Spanish. He drew well and played well on the piano. Some time Louis de Funes taught ear training in music school, did drawings for auto and decorated windows. His first role in the film, he was 32 years old, but the real fame came to him at the age of forty.
In memory of Louis de Funes, who was not only an outstanding actor, but also a great man, Editorial Ofigenno.cc will acquaint you with his chosen quotations. In these phrases can be seen the nature of the mind and a wonderful person.
As soon as I come into the world as a day later came the First World War. Just started to act in films - immediately ended second. Perhaps I have some special significance on the planet. B>
The Myth of the comic actor, who on leaving the theater forget about humor and puts on a mask melancholic suffering in our house was not recognized at all.
In the movie, go only to see how exceptional people commit extraordinary acts of exceptional way. If people would just eat the soup, not so interesting, and if you will indulge in a little bit, you will have something to laugh, do not you? B>
Intentionally I never finished reading the book to the end. I do not want to be overly educated man, the audience will feel it. B>
I just an ordinary person, the same as all, and I was lucky in life no more and no less than the others. Just when I was lucky, I managed to catch her and hold. It is still with me and I'm happy! B>
I know what will be my very good joke ... My funeral. I have to play it so that they laughed incessantly ...
The value of the personality of Louis de Funes can be seen even in these short phrases. If you liked statements outstanding actor, then share them with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
First of all, he became famous as a comedian, but his talent is much wider and diverse. Louis de Funes, in addition to his native French, excellent knowledge of English and Spanish. He drew well and played well on the piano. Some time Louis de Funes taught ear training in music school, did drawings for auto and decorated windows. His first role in the film, he was 32 years old, but the real fame came to him at the age of forty.
In memory of Louis de Funes, who was not only an outstanding actor, but also a great man, Editorial Ofigenno.cc will acquaint you with his chosen quotations. In these phrases can be seen the nature of the mind and a wonderful person.

As soon as I come into the world as a day later came the First World War. Just started to act in films - immediately ended second. Perhaps I have some special significance on the planet. B>

The Myth of the comic actor, who on leaving the theater forget about humor and puts on a mask melancholic suffering in our house was not recognized at all.

In the movie, go only to see how exceptional people commit extraordinary acts of exceptional way. If people would just eat the soup, not so interesting, and if you will indulge in a little bit, you will have something to laugh, do not you? B>

Intentionally I never finished reading the book to the end. I do not want to be overly educated man, the audience will feel it. B>

I just an ordinary person, the same as all, and I was lucky in life no more and no less than the others. Just when I was lucky, I managed to catch her and hold. It is still with me and I'm happy! B>

I know what will be my very good joke ... My funeral. I have to play it so that they laughed incessantly ...
The value of the personality of Louis de Funes can be seen even in these short phrases. If you liked statements outstanding actor, then share them with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
10 everyday things that men and women are doing quite differently.
The teacher thought that this girl does not know basic things. But it was not so easy ...