12-year-old champion
Recently, a record holder in Guinness Book of Records has increased. They became a cat wearing a double nickname Frank and Louie, as an animal just two faces. To some this may seem horrible and disgusting (to tell the truth I do not understand these people), but not a resident of Massachusetts Martha, who 12 years ago took care about this pet. The Guinness Book of Records, Frank and Louie came in as the most adult animal with a disease called diprosopus which is found not only in animals but also in humans, and is characterized by the presence of two persons, and in the case of Louis Frank and two mugs on one head. September 8 cat was 12 years old.
Hostess Frank and Louie Marty, who once worked as a nurse in a veterinary clinic, quite deliberately, and not only because it would lull, she just fell in love with it as soon as I saw. Typically, animals with a rare deviation live a few days, but since March has taken care of Frank and Louie, that for 12 years he lived the life of a healthy cat. Frank and Louie two mouths, two noses and three eyes, two of which are seen well, but one that is in the middle, unfortunately blind. In a cat brain, so both sides of the muzzle react to what is happening in perfect sync. For example, if Frank and Louie eating, using the right-hand side of the muzzle, the left also responds - nose cat moves.
As stated by the hostess, malformation does not prevent Frank and Louie develop normally and coexist with other animals. Also in March he said that the nature of the cat is very similar to a dog, because he loves to walk on a leash, and even ride in the back seat of the car.
Newborn Frank and Louie:
And here is already a bit older:

Hostess Frank and Louie Marty, who once worked as a nurse in a veterinary clinic, quite deliberately, and not only because it would lull, she just fell in love with it as soon as I saw. Typically, animals with a rare deviation live a few days, but since March has taken care of Frank and Louie, that for 12 years he lived the life of a healthy cat. Frank and Louie two mouths, two noses and three eyes, two of which are seen well, but one that is in the middle, unfortunately blind. In a cat brain, so both sides of the muzzle react to what is happening in perfect sync. For example, if Frank and Louie eating, using the right-hand side of the muzzle, the left also responds - nose cat moves.

As stated by the hostess, malformation does not prevent Frank and Louie develop normally and coexist with other animals. Also in March he said that the nature of the cat is very similar to a dog, because he loves to walk on a leash, and even ride in the back seat of the car.
Newborn Frank and Louie:

And here is already a bit older: