What has got into the Guinness book in 2011, the year
How there was a Guinness Book of Records? May Fourth, 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then director of the brewery Guinness, glanced at one of the bars, where he became one of the parties to the dispute on the subject, what kind of bird it is the fastest in the world, later realizing that simply does not know the book in which it would be possible to see this information. Then he thought that a book of this kind could become popular.
The first 197-page book of Guinness World Records was published on 27 August 1955, and became one of the most sold already for Christmas. Since it was released more than 400 million books. The latest planned in 2011 year. Let's see what the records were there.
The tiniest dog in the world has been recognized with a cute nickname chihuehua Boo Boo. 4-year-old Boo Boo is a record holder among dogs since 2007! Its growth is only 10.16 centimeters and weighs 680 grams. At first glance, not even distinguish it dog or fluffy guinea pig.
The biggest dog in the world officially recognized Blue Dog George from Arizona, USA. Its dimensions are impressive. Despite the fact that George only 4 years old, his weight had reached 110 kg., The length of the record holder from nose to tail - 221 cm. To feed this wonderful creation of its owner on a monthly basis is required 50 kg of dog food.
Francisco Domingo Joaquim Angola mouth can stretch 17 centimeters. One minute Francisco can shove 14 times and remove from the mouth cans of Coke, a half-liter bottle of beer and a carton of cigarettes.
Englishman Perry Watkins machine constructed with the parameters of 104 cm. In height, 130 cm. In length and 66 cm in width. Mini car able to accelerate to 110 km / h and is now considered to be the smallest car in the world, which is allowed to travel on public roads.
The casino Maps1a1au Wow, that in Las Vegas you can drink coffee from a cup the biggest in the world. The cup holds 7600 liters of coffee that morning vzbadrivaniya enough for 32 thousand people.
Twins Lily Milward (left) and Ena Pugh (right), born January 4, 1910. Thus, the oldest twins in the world is now 101 and a half years.
The length of the five-year US Maine Coon LUTs from nose to base of tail - 123, 2 centimeters.
Perhaps the most unusual collection of all existing. Librarian Graham Barker from Australia for 26 years, collected ... no, not barebuhi and dirt out of your belly button. For 26 years of his life nakovyryat librarian from the navel 22, 1 gram of dirt.
32-year-old farmer Chris Stevens from Wisconsin, United States grew a pumpkin weighing 821 kg and a diameter of 4, 73 meters. Excellent coach for Cinderella.
27-year-old Laura Hadlend loves toast and laid out from 9852's portrait of his mother-in Butera. To make this portrait, 40 friends Laura had 6:00 toast slices of bread, because if Butera will be the same color, portrait-in-law would be too plain.
During the annual festival of the Mexican cooks have prepared the world's largest national dish - enchilada. Cooks took 75 kilos of dough made from corn flour, 122 kilograms of chilies, onions 273 kilograms, 464 kilograms of pumpkin pulp, 150 kilograms of cheese, 150 liters of cream and 80 kilos of avocado. This results in a pie length of 70 meters and a weight of about 1, 5 tons.
Janet Esteves has gathered the largest collection of Mickey Mouse. At this point in her collection has 2760 items.
John Cassidy and the largest model airplane made of balloons.
The length of the nose Turk Mehmet Ozyureka - 8 of 8 cm, and his nose is still continuing to grow.
In its 18 years, resident of Nepal Thapa Magar Kagendra has growth 65, 53 cm and weighs only 5 kg 5. Vartanyan TA, but the smallest person Nepalese soon give Filipino Dzhanri Balavingu, who is 17 years old. To date, the growth of the Filipino is the size of a newborn and is only 55 to 88 cm. And most likely this figure do not change, because Dzhanri Balaving grows since birth.
Nine year old male Pekingese named Riddu from Texas, USA, was officially recognized as the dog with the longest tongue in the world, whose length is as much as 11, 43 cm.
Aaron Keyssi, ten-year-old boy from Canada, surprised the world by failing to keep the 17 table spoons on his face. Just 5 seconds it took little record holder for placing spoons on his face.
Simon Elmore, a resident of Germany, was able to put in his mouth 400 pieces of cocktail tubes and hold them for 10 seconds.
44-year-old resident of the UK, Stephen Park, a child became interested in collecting figurines cute little gnomes cerulean. In January 2010, his collection numbered 1061 and exhibit at this Steven does not want to stop.
11-year-old tiny cow named Swallow, who lives in the north of England, on a farm in Uest- Yokshire officially recognized as the most miniature cow in the world. From withers to hooves Swallow growth has only 84 centimeters, that is, the size of a normal sheep it. Cows breed "Dexter" is famous for its small size, however, does not even swallow up growth standards of the breed! It is interesting that in 11 years of his life Swallow birth to 10 calves that are significantly higher than his mother.
Limousine "MYtdNS KIeg", which means "Night Rider" is officially recognized as the heaviest limousine in the world. This unique house on wheels, weighing 22,933 kg., A length of 21.3 meters and a height of 4.1 meters was constructed in California, US, in September 2004, and did not leave anyone indifferent motorist
Labrador named Tabby from the UK became famous all over the world their desire to protect nature. Over the past 6 years Tabby found and brought home his mistress Sandra Gilmore 26,000 plastic bottles. Tubby favorite pastime - to find everywhere during their daily walks plastic bottles, rumple their teeth and with his mistress to refer them for processing.
Resident of China Xi Kviping is the owner of the longest hair in the world. Beginning to grow hair in 1973, at age 13, Xi Kviping today boasts long hair in 5, 63 meters.
The heaviest shoes in the world have a weight of 122, 8 kg. Their owner Chzhentsi Zhang from China managed to pass them in March 2010 on the set of TV shows in Rome, Italy.
Australian Terrier Anastasia got on the pages of the book of Guinness World Records in 2011 due to the fact that he can quickly devour the other balloons. Her record - for 44, 49 seconds, she was able to burst 100 balloons.
The first 197-page book of Guinness World Records was published on 27 August 1955, and became one of the most sold already for Christmas. Since it was released more than 400 million books. The latest planned in 2011 year. Let's see what the records were there.

The tiniest dog in the world has been recognized with a cute nickname chihuehua Boo Boo. 4-year-old Boo Boo is a record holder among dogs since 2007! Its growth is only 10.16 centimeters and weighs 680 grams. At first glance, not even distinguish it dog or fluffy guinea pig.

The biggest dog in the world officially recognized Blue Dog George from Arizona, USA. Its dimensions are impressive. Despite the fact that George only 4 years old, his weight had reached 110 kg., The length of the record holder from nose to tail - 221 cm. To feed this wonderful creation of its owner on a monthly basis is required 50 kg of dog food.

Francisco Domingo Joaquim Angola mouth can stretch 17 centimeters. One minute Francisco can shove 14 times and remove from the mouth cans of Coke, a half-liter bottle of beer and a carton of cigarettes.

Englishman Perry Watkins machine constructed with the parameters of 104 cm. In height, 130 cm. In length and 66 cm in width. Mini car able to accelerate to 110 km / h and is now considered to be the smallest car in the world, which is allowed to travel on public roads.

The casino Maps1a1au Wow, that in Las Vegas you can drink coffee from a cup the biggest in the world. The cup holds 7600 liters of coffee that morning vzbadrivaniya enough for 32 thousand people.

Twins Lily Milward (left) and Ena Pugh (right), born January 4, 1910. Thus, the oldest twins in the world is now 101 and a half years.

The length of the five-year US Maine Coon LUTs from nose to base of tail - 123, 2 centimeters.

Perhaps the most unusual collection of all existing. Librarian Graham Barker from Australia for 26 years, collected ... no, not barebuhi and dirt out of your belly button. For 26 years of his life nakovyryat librarian from the navel 22, 1 gram of dirt.

32-year-old farmer Chris Stevens from Wisconsin, United States grew a pumpkin weighing 821 kg and a diameter of 4, 73 meters. Excellent coach for Cinderella.

27-year-old Laura Hadlend loves toast and laid out from 9852's portrait of his mother-in Butera. To make this portrait, 40 friends Laura had 6:00 toast slices of bread, because if Butera will be the same color, portrait-in-law would be too plain.

During the annual festival of the Mexican cooks have prepared the world's largest national dish - enchilada. Cooks took 75 kilos of dough made from corn flour, 122 kilograms of chilies, onions 273 kilograms, 464 kilograms of pumpkin pulp, 150 kilograms of cheese, 150 liters of cream and 80 kilos of avocado. This results in a pie length of 70 meters and a weight of about 1, 5 tons.

Janet Esteves has gathered the largest collection of Mickey Mouse. At this point in her collection has 2760 items.

John Cassidy and the largest model airplane made of balloons.

The length of the nose Turk Mehmet Ozyureka - 8 of 8 cm, and his nose is still continuing to grow.

In its 18 years, resident of Nepal Thapa Magar Kagendra has growth 65, 53 cm and weighs only 5 kg 5. Vartanyan TA, but the smallest person Nepalese soon give Filipino Dzhanri Balavingu, who is 17 years old. To date, the growth of the Filipino is the size of a newborn and is only 55 to 88 cm. And most likely this figure do not change, because Dzhanri Balaving grows since birth.

Nine year old male Pekingese named Riddu from Texas, USA, was officially recognized as the dog with the longest tongue in the world, whose length is as much as 11, 43 cm.

Aaron Keyssi, ten-year-old boy from Canada, surprised the world by failing to keep the 17 table spoons on his face. Just 5 seconds it took little record holder for placing spoons on his face.

Simon Elmore, a resident of Germany, was able to put in his mouth 400 pieces of cocktail tubes and hold them for 10 seconds.

44-year-old resident of the UK, Stephen Park, a child became interested in collecting figurines cute little gnomes cerulean. In January 2010, his collection numbered 1061 and exhibit at this Steven does not want to stop.

11-year-old tiny cow named Swallow, who lives in the north of England, on a farm in Uest- Yokshire officially recognized as the most miniature cow in the world. From withers to hooves Swallow growth has only 84 centimeters, that is, the size of a normal sheep it. Cows breed "Dexter" is famous for its small size, however, does not even swallow up growth standards of the breed! It is interesting that in 11 years of his life Swallow birth to 10 calves that are significantly higher than his mother.

Limousine "MYtdNS KIeg", which means "Night Rider" is officially recognized as the heaviest limousine in the world. This unique house on wheels, weighing 22,933 kg., A length of 21.3 meters and a height of 4.1 meters was constructed in California, US, in September 2004, and did not leave anyone indifferent motorist

Labrador named Tabby from the UK became famous all over the world their desire to protect nature. Over the past 6 years Tabby found and brought home his mistress Sandra Gilmore 26,000 plastic bottles. Tubby favorite pastime - to find everywhere during their daily walks plastic bottles, rumple their teeth and with his mistress to refer them for processing.

Resident of China Xi Kviping is the owner of the longest hair in the world. Beginning to grow hair in 1973, at age 13, Xi Kviping today boasts long hair in 5, 63 meters.

The heaviest shoes in the world have a weight of 122, 8 kg. Their owner Chzhentsi Zhang from China managed to pass them in March 2010 on the set of TV shows in Rome, Italy.

Australian Terrier Anastasia got on the pages of the book of Guinness World Records in 2011 due to the fact that he can quickly devour the other balloons. Her record - for 44, 49 seconds, she was able to burst 100 balloons.