The bite of a rattlesnake cost of 150 thousand American dollars
unlucky man decided to make self a rattlesnake and was immediately ukushen.Zhitel San Diego Todd Fassler previously loved snakes and apparently believed able to find an approach to them. He even got himself an explosive zmeyu.Den American independence, he decided to celebrate in nature, there is something he noticed a wild rattlesnake and thought what to do with self reptile - a great idea. But the snake and bitten counted differently Todd ruku.Vse my body literally paralyzed. Language tumbled out of his mouth, his eyes rolled back - says Todd.
Bitten hand was purple. To pump out the man, he had some trouble in several hospitals. As a result, doctors put Todd bill for 153,161 dollar and 25 cents. His insurance company negotiates with hospitals, and it is not known whether the fan will have to fork out serious snakes, reports Mirror.A home rattlesnake after all the stories Todd let loose.