Asperger American bullies taught a lesson

American boy Gavin, who suffers from Asperger's syndrome, was the victim of bullies who beat him severely in the street simply for the fact that he is not like everyone else. The guy could easily send their abusers to re-imprisoned, but he came up to them quite different nakazanie.Podrostok Illinois Gavin Joseph suffers from Asperger's syndrome. It is a developmental disorder similar to autism, except that people with the syndrome Aspargera speech and cognitive abilities tend to persist. Meanwhile, suffering from this syndrome often look rather awkward and just strange "others» .

One group of young people surrounded Gavin and knocked down. The hooligans brutally beat him and threw him on the street with a broken nose and swollen right eye, numerous bruises and abrasions.
Most of the victims of such an attack would have done everything to offenders responded to the fullest extent of the law. But Gavin decided to teach bullies its own urok.

He insisted that all the guys who beat him watched 20-minute video in which he demonstrated the effects of beatings and spoke of the harm they have caused him. And bullies had to watch the video in the presence of their families. After that offenders Gavin had to write voluminous essays on "Asperger's Syndrome".