5 exercises for the development of creative thinking
Effective exercises from the book "Rice Storm", which will help develop the ability to think outside the box
The modern world is just crazy on the speed of change, the level of creativity and the extent of looseness of thought geniuses. And that's not sarcasm. Just to the fore a long time out "white crow". If you think outside the box, then you are at the helm. You can say, the rules of the world and the people. People are tired of the gray routine and repetitive ideas. All striving for something new, to unidentified and non-standard. The world is eager to see the old content in an unusual shell in a different form.
Sometimes it is obvious on the surface, but we are looking for in the search of a miracle double bottom or hidden meaning. Or sometimes it's better to open your eyes wider and see the obvious? After all, most everything of value is top.
Michael Mikalko revealed many
secrets box thinking in his best-selling
"Rice Storm and 21 way to think outside the box».
Here are 5 exercises from the book, which will help develop a "Creative Thinking»:
1. Let the mind food
When reading the books make notes, highlight quotes, place comments in the margins in those places that seemed particularly interesting to you. This storehouse of your future ideas. Think, when you read. Consciously ponder the information, because fresh ideas come associative, suddenly and unexpectedly.
2. Formulate the problem
The more time spent on the formation of the problem, the closer you are to deal with it. You need a plan of action:
Write down the problem as a question (eg, "How do I ...?»).
Change the keywords in response synonyms.
Let's take a more detailed explanation.
Divide the task into subtasks, solve them first, continuing to ask questions: "What else ...?", "Why ...?».
3. Ask yourself questions such as screening "Scamper»
Put all the questions below to solving their problems. Look for new solutions, ideas implementation.
S = Substitute? - Replace?
C = Combine? - Combine?
A = Adapt? - Adapt?
M = Modify? - Modify?
P = Put to other users? - Apply for something else?
E = Eliminate or minify? - Eliminate or simplify?
R = Revers? - Change to the contrary?
4. Create your box ideas
Initially, specify the task. Then select its parameters. In order to understand which of them is important, ask yourself: "Will this be the problem if you remove the parameter of?". Then, create a list of variations that include all that apply to the parameters of this task. Then create different combinations. You can get them over 1000. The main thing - not afraid to dream.
5. Do not be afraid to collect your ideas in one place
Select the bank itself or to stack the box and leaves with a description of the most stupid, but suddenly their ideas. Let it be a walk with the dog, or the creation of a new type of paper, purchase a bicycle or writing a story. Write whatever comes to mind. One day, when you need a fresh idea, you'll be able to pull some of their leaves from the vessel and try to combine them, and you never know when something will come of this?
On the other incredible way to develop your thinking outside the box you can find after reading Michael Mikalko. It will help you come up with great ideas from scratch. You can see the case studies of global brands and the best brands.
Creative thinking - it's not a talent. It's just the loss of fear of public opinion. Sometimes, really need to look at an object beyond the usual angle, and then in your imagination the whole world will fall on its head, and it is the first step towards the emancipation of his talent and disclosure.
Read more about the book
Read an excerpt from the book
Marina Poznyakova

The modern world is just crazy on the speed of change, the level of creativity and the extent of looseness of thought geniuses. And that's not sarcasm. Just to the fore a long time out "white crow". If you think outside the box, then you are at the helm. You can say, the rules of the world and the people. People are tired of the gray routine and repetitive ideas. All striving for something new, to unidentified and non-standard. The world is eager to see the old content in an unusual shell in a different form.
Sometimes it is obvious on the surface, but we are looking for in the search of a miracle double bottom or hidden meaning. Or sometimes it's better to open your eyes wider and see the obvious? After all, most everything of value is top.
Michael Mikalko revealed many
secrets box thinking in his best-selling
"Rice Storm and 21 way to think outside the box».
Here are 5 exercises from the book, which will help develop a "Creative Thinking»:
1. Let the mind food
When reading the books make notes, highlight quotes, place comments in the margins in those places that seemed particularly interesting to you. This storehouse of your future ideas. Think, when you read. Consciously ponder the information, because fresh ideas come associative, suddenly and unexpectedly.
2. Formulate the problem
The more time spent on the formation of the problem, the closer you are to deal with it. You need a plan of action:
Write down the problem as a question (eg, "How do I ...?»).
Change the keywords in response synonyms.
Let's take a more detailed explanation.
Divide the task into subtasks, solve them first, continuing to ask questions: "What else ...?", "Why ...?».
3. Ask yourself questions such as screening "Scamper»
Put all the questions below to solving their problems. Look for new solutions, ideas implementation.
S = Substitute? - Replace?
C = Combine? - Combine?
A = Adapt? - Adapt?
M = Modify? - Modify?
P = Put to other users? - Apply for something else?
E = Eliminate or minify? - Eliminate or simplify?
R = Revers? - Change to the contrary?
4. Create your box ideas
Initially, specify the task. Then select its parameters. In order to understand which of them is important, ask yourself: "Will this be the problem if you remove the parameter of?". Then, create a list of variations that include all that apply to the parameters of this task. Then create different combinations. You can get them over 1000. The main thing - not afraid to dream.
5. Do not be afraid to collect your ideas in one place
Select the bank itself or to stack the box and leaves with a description of the most stupid, but suddenly their ideas. Let it be a walk with the dog, or the creation of a new type of paper, purchase a bicycle or writing a story. Write whatever comes to mind. One day, when you need a fresh idea, you'll be able to pull some of their leaves from the vessel and try to combine them, and you never know when something will come of this?
On the other incredible way to develop your thinking outside the box you can find after reading Michael Mikalko. It will help you come up with great ideas from scratch. You can see the case studies of global brands and the best brands.
Creative thinking - it's not a talent. It's just the loss of fear of public opinion. Sometimes, really need to look at an object beyond the usual angle, and then in your imagination the whole world will fall on its head, and it is the first step towards the emancipation of his talent and disclosure.
Read more about the book
Read an excerpt from the book
Marina Poznyakova