Each person has their relationship with the finances. Someone is friends with money who do not really, but almost everyone wants to have money as much as you need and more. As a rule, the money like those who know how to handle them and follows their laws. These laws are not so complicated. Many people ignore them, assuming an absolute nonsense - and it is in vain. After all, money requiring respect and the laws of money - even more so.
Each person has their relationship with the finances. Someone is friends with money who do not really, but almost everyone wants to have money as much as you need and more.
As a rule, the money like those who know how to handle them and follows their laws. These laws are not so complicated. Many people ignore them, assuming an absolute nonsense - and it is in vain. After all, money requiring respect and the laws of money - even more so.
So ...
Law select
The law of choice - the essence of it is simple: each person chooses it to be rich or not. We create hundreds of beliefs that limit themselves - or do not believe in their abilities, any opportunities that surround us, but consider yourself smart. A set-ka himself: "If I'm so smart, why do I still not rich?" And the honest answer. Replies can be many - among them may be the real reason, and banal excuses, excuses at what will be the majority ("no ability", "not born at the time", "in a country", "no education" and so on. n.)
If you really believe in yourself, take a firm decision to become rich and will act in this direction (nothing ventured, as you know does not flow), you will certainly achieve his. Many successful people have become rich, starting from the bottom. All you need to - remove restrictions from his head.
Law capital
The law of capital - we are talking here not just about the money. Original capital - it is your ability to earn. The amount that you get today is a measure of how much you have developed the ability to earn money. Increase your personal value, to develop their abilities and skills. Strive to work no more, and better. The best investment - an investment in yourself.
Act prospects
Law perspective - taking financial decisions, calculate their moves in advance. In other words, starting a new business or project, it is foolish to count on a quick profit. Now let your income is low, but if you run your business can increase it in the tens or even hundreds of times - have patience and follow the plan. Rich people always look to the future.
Law savings
Law savings - you should always defer 10% of their income. At first glance it may seem that this is too much, and situations in life are different - debts unanticipated major expenses, too little income, etc. If 10% - this is for you too large sum, start with at least 1%. Then, after a certain time of start delay for 2 or 3%, and gradually bring up to 10%. The money - your financial reserve that will allow you to feel relatively safe.
Law of investment
Law of investment - one of the most important financial laws. Do not hurry to part with their money and, before investing, please read carefully the cause in which you are going to invest their money. Money - it is in a sense a part of your life, because you have spent some time in order to earn them. So whether blithely treat the results of their work?
Always ask yourself: what happens if you lose everything that you are going to invest? If this loss will be painful for you, it is reasonable to give up such an investment, because it is better to keep what you have than to lose their possessions.
The law of conservation
The law of conservation - the strength of your financial future is not determined by how much money you earn and how much you earned from the remains. Those 10% that you set aside - do not count.
Law analysis
Law Analysis - Take time on a regular basis in order to analyze your financial situation. And it should be done more than once a year, and at least once a week. Think about how to dispose of their own money wiser. The more time you spend thinking about finances, the more thoughtful and reasonable will be your decision.
I really like the saying: "You can not go back and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish." Your life - it's just your life. That's for you to decide on what terms the finances you will be. The choice is always yours.

Each person has their relationship with the finances. Someone is friends with money who do not really, but almost everyone wants to have money as much as you need and more.
As a rule, the money like those who know how to handle them and follows their laws. These laws are not so complicated. Many people ignore them, assuming an absolute nonsense - and it is in vain. After all, money requiring respect and the laws of money - even more so.
So ...
Law select
The law of choice - the essence of it is simple: each person chooses it to be rich or not. We create hundreds of beliefs that limit themselves - or do not believe in their abilities, any opportunities that surround us, but consider yourself smart. A set-ka himself: "If I'm so smart, why do I still not rich?" And the honest answer. Replies can be many - among them may be the real reason, and banal excuses, excuses at what will be the majority ("no ability", "not born at the time", "in a country", "no education" and so on. n.)
If you really believe in yourself, take a firm decision to become rich and will act in this direction (nothing ventured, as you know does not flow), you will certainly achieve his. Many successful people have become rich, starting from the bottom. All you need to - remove restrictions from his head.
Law capital
The law of capital - we are talking here not just about the money. Original capital - it is your ability to earn. The amount that you get today is a measure of how much you have developed the ability to earn money. Increase your personal value, to develop their abilities and skills. Strive to work no more, and better. The best investment - an investment in yourself.
Act prospects
Law perspective - taking financial decisions, calculate their moves in advance. In other words, starting a new business or project, it is foolish to count on a quick profit. Now let your income is low, but if you run your business can increase it in the tens or even hundreds of times - have patience and follow the plan. Rich people always look to the future.
Law savings
Law savings - you should always defer 10% of their income. At first glance it may seem that this is too much, and situations in life are different - debts unanticipated major expenses, too little income, etc. If 10% - this is for you too large sum, start with at least 1%. Then, after a certain time of start delay for 2 or 3%, and gradually bring up to 10%. The money - your financial reserve that will allow you to feel relatively safe.
Law of investment
Law of investment - one of the most important financial laws. Do not hurry to part with their money and, before investing, please read carefully the cause in which you are going to invest their money. Money - it is in a sense a part of your life, because you have spent some time in order to earn them. So whether blithely treat the results of their work?
Always ask yourself: what happens if you lose everything that you are going to invest? If this loss will be painful for you, it is reasonable to give up such an investment, because it is better to keep what you have than to lose their possessions.
The law of conservation
The law of conservation - the strength of your financial future is not determined by how much money you earn and how much you earned from the remains. Those 10% that you set aside - do not count.
Law analysis
Law Analysis - Take time on a regular basis in order to analyze your financial situation. And it should be done more than once a year, and at least once a week. Think about how to dispose of their own money wiser. The more time you spend thinking about finances, the more thoughtful and reasonable will be your decision.
I really like the saying: "You can not go back and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish." Your life - it's just your life. That's for you to decide on what terms the finances you will be. The choice is always yours.