Ray Bradbury - the legendary American science fiction writer. The writer did not write anything that could be called - science fiction. The main thing for him - it's not something that moves rockets and what makes people tick. Bradbury Science fiction is always a bit sad, but permeated with hope. His characters live in a happy and anxious waiting for a miracle.
Ray Douglas Bradbury white light appeared on August 22, 1922, in Waukegan (Illinois, USA). Since childhood, Ray lived in a big family atmosphere, constantly surrounded by loving, caring and good-natured relatives. Since then, a friendly family circle, was for him, and one of the highest values of life. Practically all the relatives of the writer, became prototypes heroes of his works. In early childhood, Ray fell in love with cinema.
Childhood Ray Bradbury
The first time my mother took the boy to the movies, in the 3 years. And the world of science fiction, has opened eight years of Ray when he found himself the hands, the first issue of the magazine "Amazing Stories" in the children's playroom. During the Great Depression, which struck America, Ray's father lost his job. Family stricken. And even at the school prom, Ray had to go in a suit late uncle, who died at the hands of bandits. Bullet holes on the floors and the back of his jacket, neatly darned. In search of work, the family Bradbury traveled all over the country.
Seen on the road scary picture of the consequences of car crashes, so overwhelming the boy, that he gives a vow never to get behind the wheel of a car. In the end, the family Bradbury settled in Los Angeles, have a kind of Uncle Einar, who also becomes the hero of one of the stories of Ray. The young man never went to study at the college, he prevented banal poverty. I had to start their working lives, selling newspapers. Ray Bradbury began writing at age 12. He did not have enough money to buy new issues of favorite comics "Martian warrior," the boy wrote his own version. Stories, horror stories poured from his pen, and a neighbor girl, typed them on a typewriter. When the author was 16, she appeared in the press of his first poem. In 1937, he became a member of the Los Angeles Science Fiction League.
University of Ray Bradbury, has become life itself. More library, where he spent 3-4 days a week. For 20 years, Ray knew the American and European literature and history. The skill of the writer, is growing every day, he finds his own style.
At 22, Bradbury became a professional writer. He wrote dozens of short stories a year, but its revenues remain very modest. In 1944, the writer makes a note in his diary: to make a book about the people on Mars. But only two years later, the first story "marisanskogo" cycle. Ray Bradbury was a passionate lover of books.
Creativity and Life
Slim, blonde Maggie McClure, he met in a bookstore in Los Angeles. They married in 1947 and they have four daughters were born. At first, the young family income is only $ 250 a month, half of which earned Maggie.
Ray Bradbury biography
But in the year of the wedding, from Ray released his first book "The Dark quarter." In 1950, there are "The Martian Chronicles", and a year goes a little story "Firefighter." In 1953, it grows in the famous novel "Fahrenheit 451," which glorified the 33 year-old writer.
Stories Bradbury began to be published in cheap magazines, prints a plurality of prose fiction, and often not very good quality. It was only a collection of "Martian" stories ("The Martian Chronicles") became his first commercial success.
Many of the events described in this dystopia, became a reality. The excessive influence of television, dismissive attitude to education, and the general decline of culture, all this translates into cruelty and indifference. In 1957, Ray Bradbury publishes an autobiographical novel "Dandelion Wine", imbued with aching nostalgia for the beautiful country of childhood.
Ray Bradbury biography
The writer did not write anything that could be called - science fiction. The main thing for him - it's not something that moves rockets and what makes people tick. Bradbury Science fiction is always a bit sad, but permeated with hope. His characters live in a happy and anxious waiting for a miracle.
Ray Bradbury Bradbury biografiyaRey winner of many literary awards, including the National Book Award, for his enormous contribution in all genres of literature, and the "Oscar" of the American Academy Award for the screenplay for "Moby Dick." 65 stories of the writer were filmed, and its interior design Disneyland, applauded by many visitors.
During his life, Ray Breberi wrote 25 novels and short stories, 300 stories, 30 plays. And in 2001, the premiere of the opera "Fahrenheit 451". Ray lived with his wife, Maggie, 56 years, until her death in 2003. In recent years, they lived at his home in Los Angeles with four beloved cats. He fulfilled his word, never get behind the wheel of a car. He does not trust the computer, his books are still printed on his old typewriter, and believes that the Internet, this prevents people communicate.
Asked whether he considers himself a true science fiction Ray Bradbury said:
"If, after 100 years, so come to my grave any boy and pencil to write on the plate:" Here lies a man who was telling tales, "I'll be happy, and the other name, I did not ask».
Ray Bradbury biography
Rules of Life of Ray Bradbury
What is the universe? This is a great theater. A theater audience need. We - the audience. Life on Earth was created then to witness and enjoy the show. That's why we're here. And if you do not like the play - Get out to the devil!
If people day and night thinking about death, he would be Woody Allen.
In the coming years we will return to the moon. We will fly to Mars and we justify it in the next couple of hundred years. And then, I suppose, will fly to Alpha Centauri.
It took me ten years to ensure that the first to write a passable story.
When we got married Maggie 60 years ago, we had no money. Our bank account was $ 8. The first two years we did not even have a phone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to the petrol station. It hung on the wall and my first phone. I ran to it, picked up the receiver, and people thought that I call home. Not even a phone, let alone a car. But you know what we had? Love.
We all - the time machine. That's why all my life I am under the charm of the old. Because I know: Now tap the hidden button and find myself in 1900. Or, in the Civil War ... And a child I met veterans of the Civil War!
All the girls, whom I met in his youth, were the librarians.
In a good marriage always people teach each other. You teach each other life science. Everyday touching lying on one pillow, you affect each other involuntarily.
Do not write mind - you have to be in writing, to live life on the machine.
Do not try to keep track of all the movies with their bombings and other commonplace. Watch necessary for the great directors. Just recently I reviewed "Lawrence of Arabia" David Lean. I have laid the soul, only to write the script for this director.
A good filmmaker should be a writer. It should be full of details.
You can not live like a child who can not wait Christmas with gifts under the Christmas tree. All my life I wake up and say to myself: "I can not wait for the day it».
Russia will become the heavy-duty power only thanks to the fact that people will learn to love themselves. This convinces me Russian literature, Russian movies.
We need to be constantly in a state of love in something. In my case - in books, in writing.
If something you do not like - do not do it. Conversely, if you like, overpower anything.
I go to parties in Hollywood, vizhus with famous directors and producers. And on his return from his stomach I asked: "How?". And sometimes, the stomach responds, "Uh-uh." And if so, I will never set foot there. My stomach knows if I look in the face of a liar or a thief, or simply foolish man.
I do not think about death, because I somehow always be here. This box with my films and shelves with my books are convinced that the other hundred-years I have left.
Death - is a form of reckoning with space for a wonderful luxury to stay alive.
For myself, I know I did a good job every day of my life, eighty years. It's fucking great, right?

Ray Douglas Bradbury white light appeared on August 22, 1922, in Waukegan (Illinois, USA). Since childhood, Ray lived in a big family atmosphere, constantly surrounded by loving, caring and good-natured relatives. Since then, a friendly family circle, was for him, and one of the highest values of life. Practically all the relatives of the writer, became prototypes heroes of his works. In early childhood, Ray fell in love with cinema.
Childhood Ray Bradbury
The first time my mother took the boy to the movies, in the 3 years. And the world of science fiction, has opened eight years of Ray when he found himself the hands, the first issue of the magazine "Amazing Stories" in the children's playroom. During the Great Depression, which struck America, Ray's father lost his job. Family stricken. And even at the school prom, Ray had to go in a suit late uncle, who died at the hands of bandits. Bullet holes on the floors and the back of his jacket, neatly darned. In search of work, the family Bradbury traveled all over the country.
Seen on the road scary picture of the consequences of car crashes, so overwhelming the boy, that he gives a vow never to get behind the wheel of a car. In the end, the family Bradbury settled in Los Angeles, have a kind of Uncle Einar, who also becomes the hero of one of the stories of Ray. The young man never went to study at the college, he prevented banal poverty. I had to start their working lives, selling newspapers. Ray Bradbury began writing at age 12. He did not have enough money to buy new issues of favorite comics "Martian warrior," the boy wrote his own version. Stories, horror stories poured from his pen, and a neighbor girl, typed them on a typewriter. When the author was 16, she appeared in the press of his first poem. In 1937, he became a member of the Los Angeles Science Fiction League.
University of Ray Bradbury, has become life itself. More library, where he spent 3-4 days a week. For 20 years, Ray knew the American and European literature and history. The skill of the writer, is growing every day, he finds his own style.
At 22, Bradbury became a professional writer. He wrote dozens of short stories a year, but its revenues remain very modest. In 1944, the writer makes a note in his diary: to make a book about the people on Mars. But only two years later, the first story "marisanskogo" cycle. Ray Bradbury was a passionate lover of books.
Creativity and Life
Slim, blonde Maggie McClure, he met in a bookstore in Los Angeles. They married in 1947 and they have four daughters were born. At first, the young family income is only $ 250 a month, half of which earned Maggie.
Ray Bradbury biography
But in the year of the wedding, from Ray released his first book "The Dark quarter." In 1950, there are "The Martian Chronicles", and a year goes a little story "Firefighter." In 1953, it grows in the famous novel "Fahrenheit 451," which glorified the 33 year-old writer.
Stories Bradbury began to be published in cheap magazines, prints a plurality of prose fiction, and often not very good quality. It was only a collection of "Martian" stories ("The Martian Chronicles") became his first commercial success.
Many of the events described in this dystopia, became a reality. The excessive influence of television, dismissive attitude to education, and the general decline of culture, all this translates into cruelty and indifference. In 1957, Ray Bradbury publishes an autobiographical novel "Dandelion Wine", imbued with aching nostalgia for the beautiful country of childhood.
Ray Bradbury biography
The writer did not write anything that could be called - science fiction. The main thing for him - it's not something that moves rockets and what makes people tick. Bradbury Science fiction is always a bit sad, but permeated with hope. His characters live in a happy and anxious waiting for a miracle.
Ray Bradbury Bradbury biografiyaRey winner of many literary awards, including the National Book Award, for his enormous contribution in all genres of literature, and the "Oscar" of the American Academy Award for the screenplay for "Moby Dick." 65 stories of the writer were filmed, and its interior design Disneyland, applauded by many visitors.
During his life, Ray Breberi wrote 25 novels and short stories, 300 stories, 30 plays. And in 2001, the premiere of the opera "Fahrenheit 451". Ray lived with his wife, Maggie, 56 years, until her death in 2003. In recent years, they lived at his home in Los Angeles with four beloved cats. He fulfilled his word, never get behind the wheel of a car. He does not trust the computer, his books are still printed on his old typewriter, and believes that the Internet, this prevents people communicate.
Asked whether he considers himself a true science fiction Ray Bradbury said:
"If, after 100 years, so come to my grave any boy and pencil to write on the plate:" Here lies a man who was telling tales, "I'll be happy, and the other name, I did not ask».
Ray Bradbury biography
Rules of Life of Ray Bradbury
What is the universe? This is a great theater. A theater audience need. We - the audience. Life on Earth was created then to witness and enjoy the show. That's why we're here. And if you do not like the play - Get out to the devil!
If people day and night thinking about death, he would be Woody Allen.
In the coming years we will return to the moon. We will fly to Mars and we justify it in the next couple of hundred years. And then, I suppose, will fly to Alpha Centauri.
It took me ten years to ensure that the first to write a passable story.
When we got married Maggie 60 years ago, we had no money. Our bank account was $ 8. The first two years we did not even have a phone. We rented a tiny apartment in Venice, next to the petrol station. It hung on the wall and my first phone. I ran to it, picked up the receiver, and people thought that I call home. Not even a phone, let alone a car. But you know what we had? Love.
We all - the time machine. That's why all my life I am under the charm of the old. Because I know: Now tap the hidden button and find myself in 1900. Or, in the Civil War ... And a child I met veterans of the Civil War!
All the girls, whom I met in his youth, were the librarians.
In a good marriage always people teach each other. You teach each other life science. Everyday touching lying on one pillow, you affect each other involuntarily.
Do not write mind - you have to be in writing, to live life on the machine.
Do not try to keep track of all the movies with their bombings and other commonplace. Watch necessary for the great directors. Just recently I reviewed "Lawrence of Arabia" David Lean. I have laid the soul, only to write the script for this director.
A good filmmaker should be a writer. It should be full of details.
You can not live like a child who can not wait Christmas with gifts under the Christmas tree. All my life I wake up and say to myself: "I can not wait for the day it».
Russia will become the heavy-duty power only thanks to the fact that people will learn to love themselves. This convinces me Russian literature, Russian movies.
We need to be constantly in a state of love in something. In my case - in books, in writing.
If something you do not like - do not do it. Conversely, if you like, overpower anything.
I go to parties in Hollywood, vizhus with famous directors and producers. And on his return from his stomach I asked: "How?". And sometimes, the stomach responds, "Uh-uh." And if so, I will never set foot there. My stomach knows if I look in the face of a liar or a thief, or simply foolish man.
I do not think about death, because I somehow always be here. This box with my films and shelves with my books are convinced that the other hundred-years I have left.
Death - is a form of reckoning with space for a wonderful luxury to stay alive.
For myself, I know I did a good job every day of my life, eighty years. It's fucking great, right?