35 business books that advises 100 world's richest people

1. George S. Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon»
2. Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich»
3. Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad»
4. Bodo Schaefer "Laws winners»
5. Henry Ford "My life, my achievements»
6. Andrew Matthews "Live easy!" Or "Happiness in difficult times»
7. Lee Iacocca "Manager career»
8. "Manager Mafia" - Guide to Corporate Machiavelli
9. "The formula for success - 33 principles of successful business from the bright and extravagant entrepreneur of our time" - Donald Trump
10. Theodore Dreiser - «Finance»
11. Bodo Schaefer "Money, money, or ABCs»
12. Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller "Marketing Management»
13. Barbara Minto "Golden Rules of Harvard and McKinsey»
14. Carsten Bredemaier "black rhetoric. The power and magic of words »
15. Radislav Gandapas "Kamasutra for the speaker. Ten chapters on how to receive and give maximum pleasure, speaking publicly »
16. Al Ries, Jack Trout "Marketing wars»
17. Al Ries, Jack Trout, "Positioning. The battle for the minds »
18. Svetlana Ivanova "Motivation 100%»
19. Svetlana Ivanova "The Art of recruitment. How to evaluate a person for an hour »
20. Kjell Nordstrom, Jonas Ridderstralle "Funky Business
21. Nikolay Rysev "Active sales»
22. Larry King "How to talk anywhere, anytime and with anyone»
Gavin Kennedy 23. "You can arrange everything»
24. David Allen "As a result of the case in order. The Art of stress-free productivity »
25. Ron Rubin, Stuart Avery Goulz "Business zen»
26. Carl Sewell, Paul Brown, "Customers for Life»
27. Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People»
28. Robert Cialdini "Psychology of influence»
29. Anton Popov "Blogs. A new sphere of influence »
30. Robert Scoble, Shel Israel "Talking more money. As blogging is changing communication businesses and consumers »
31. Seth Godin "Permission marketing. How to make a friend from a stranger and turn it into a buyer »
32. Seth Godin "Idea Virus? Epidemic! Get your customers to work for sale »
33. Igor Mann "Marketing at 100%. Remix »
34. Gleb Archangel "Time Drive. How to have time to live and work »
35. Sophia Makeyev «DOWN shifting, or how to work in a fun, not to depend on traffic jams and do what want."
Yuri Ryabitsev. "Deep down, people understand that it is unlikely he was born to live as he lives"
10 PSYCHOLOGICAL tricks you can use to influence people