German enthusiasts working to create a manned multicopter

German company e-Volo working on manned multicopter Volocopter VC200 . In the apparatus 18 of the rotors, in the cockpit there is room for two people. Control is the joystick, copter powered by batteries. The case is made of carbon fiber. Now engineers are working on the preparation of the first manned flight.
For the first time Volocopter VC200 lit up in the news in 2013 - then the machine rose into the air, being controlled remotely from the ground. While VC200 began to fly with covered hangars.
The first flight VC200 i>
On the very same company e-Volo first became known more in 2011 - they presented a strange machine, too multicopter, but managed by man sitting on top of it. To cushion the landing authors used a device fitball. Of course, VC200 is more practical and close to reality.
Beta manned multicopter i>
Typically, modelers create a small copy of the large aircraft and helicopters. Our heroes decide to go the opposite way and inspired by popular multicopter created larger model.
Instead of one main rotor and a tail like a "normal" helicopter, VC200 flying by a plurality of screws and maneuver as an ordinary amateur multicopter. For example, forward movement is carried out by increasing the speed of rotation of the rear screws - as a result, the machine roll and starts to move horizontally.
On the related principle of ease of management and is based the idea of a manned multicopter. Besides simplicity, the device demonstrates good stability of flight, which begins Aircraft hardly have been able to achieve, they are conceived to build a classic helicopter from scratch.

Since 2013, the filling machine has been significantly reworked. Designers improved electronic flight control system and the battery wiring diagram. Also, engineers are in the process of negotiations on certification of devices, and Addenda to the German legislation on the flights - there simply is no such category as light sport multicopter.
After receiving the certificate the company plans to sell these toys for $ 340,000. The current configuration of flight time per charge is from 20 to 30 minutes. In the distant future - creating a hybrid propulsion, which will stretch the time at least twice.
The company's goal - to increase the mobility of people, not just entertain the rich enthusiasts. CEO Alexander Tsozel sees in his future offspring commercial flights and freight. It also plans to create a version with increased multicopter carrying capacity, which can carry up to six people at a time. In the meantime, he wants as soon as possible to test a manned version in time for the next show «Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture Oshkosh» - annual gathering of aviation enthusiasts that takes place in the city of Oshkosh Wisconsin, USA.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/252400/
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