There was the first manned flight of a passenger multicopter Volocopter VC200

Prototype passenger multicopter Volocopter VC200 from the German company e-volo March 30 made the first manned flight to the airport in the south of Germany. The creators of the VC200 is positioned as a personal air transport, which is easy to operate even for those who do not have a pilot license.
In the apparatus 18, the rotor, there is room for two people in the cockpit. Is controlled by a joystick, and the copter is powered by batteries. The case is made of carbon fiber. Top speed is 100 km / h, takeoff weight - 450 kg
. VC2000 is developed since 2011. An early prototype was a frame with motors and propellers, to which was attached to the amortization fitball. Four years later, it was already almost ready multicopter. Resolution on flights from German machine was in February 2016. Prior to this, all the tests were in the hangar, and a remote control.
One of the founders of the company who made the first flight, marks an excellent vehicle stability and absence of vibrations and ease of management. Reliability and simplicity provides a computer system that handles joystick commands and able to move without affecting the failure of one or more screws.
The testing program of manned flights will take place in three stages - to start the device check at speeds up to 25 km / h at low altitude, then - 50 km / h on average, and then it waits for the maximum speed of 100 km / h at high altitude
Technical support company dedicated to drones «Ascending Technologies», recently acquired by Intel. She was responsible for the management, electronics, motors and other key flight technology.

The founders of e-volo full of optimism, and in 2 years plan to get certificates and to mass-produce VC200. The first area of application - air taxi. It is assumed that first devices will carry passengers along predefined routes, for example from the airport to the city.
In the future, e-volo dream that transport, such VC200, will be accessible to all as the car replaced. Volocopter in a remote-controlled tests are well behaved under simulated failure of various systems, from a part of the battery to a few screws, and is able to move virtually autonomously. But as long as the rules for automatic passenger aircrafts destination does not exist yet - this thing relatively distant future
. Among the competitors e-volo, trying to make a flying passenger transport, flying cars and Terrafugia AeroMobil. In addition, the Russian automobile industry development strategy up to 2020, among other things, mentioned the development of a flying car.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274046/
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