Fallout fans will get the game from Bethesda Fallout 4 for their caps from bottles

The other day I published a post Geektimes about the fans of the game series Fallout, which saved his lids from glass bottles for more than 7 years. After it was reported imminent Fallout 4 , collector sent all their opercular accumulation в office Bethesda , hoping to receive a copy of the game after its release.
And yes, Bethesda still send gamers a new game! Matt from Bethesda also said that he will put the cap on deposit by People's Bank, Point Lookout. You have to understand, at the expense of the user. So now, in addition, that the collector will be a game, he is also rich! Of course, in the virtual world.

In any case, this whole story ended well as many had hoped. By the way, Imgur (where their posts and places the gamer) there were good Samaritans, who offered him to send his own copy of the game after its release on the market. So the world is not without good people.
The only thing - probably Bethesda office is now flood covers the followers of the "chosen." While perhaps not.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/252526/
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