Rare photos of celebrities, made before they became known
Each of us has a bad old photos that we carefully hide from prying eyes, and celebrity - not the exception. Here is a selection of photos of famous people made long before it came to fame. Some of them changed just before neuznavaemosti.
Taylor Svift.
Ryan Sikrest.
Justin Timberleyk.
Avril Lavin.
Blake Layvli.
Giorgio Kluni.
Brad Pitt.
Rapper Lil Jon.
Joe Dzhonas.
Nicole Kidman.
Megan Foks.
Russell Brend.
Jeremy Piven.
Shia Labaf.
Kathy Griffin.

Taylor Svift.

Ryan Sikrest.

Justin Timberleyk.

Avril Lavin.

Blake Layvli.

Giorgio Kluni.

Brad Pitt.

Rapper Lil Jon.


Joe Dzhonas.

Nicole Kidman.

Megan Foks.

Russell Brend.

Jeremy Piven.

Shia Labaf.

Kathy Griffin.