Rules of Life Tommy Lee Jones
I am uneasy person. I suppose it's a fair statement.
I do not like interviews, but has learned to tolerate them. Peace - not the most comfortable place if you have to by something to shy away.
I do not know what success means to me. You do not think that I sit down by the fireplace with a cup of coffee and start to think about it?
My favorite films - are those for which I get the most money.
It all started when I was in second grade. School of the town of Rota, Texas, decided to put the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and the role of Chihuna (one of the dwarfs in Walt Disney cartoons. - Esquire) got to me. I took it very seriously, because it was the first part of my career. While radio Rotana is just above a pharmacy - a tiny room with huge microphones size of a dinner plate. They invited us - the seven dwarfs - and our teacher, who was a director. We were lined up in a line and were each individually, saying before, so we did something peculiar to our characters. Beautiful girl called my name, and I sneezed.
To be an actor - it's just another way to make money.
AS you can play someone in a movie? How do people do it? It seems impossible, until you know exactly how. And how can you cut someone, get appendicitis, and again all the mend? Also it seems impossible - until you know exactly how.
In my opinion, it's Laurence Olivier said, if you have the slightest opportunity - do not become actors.
I admire all that makes Clint Eastwood. I like the way he runs the set. I can spend the whole day, watching him work. I did.
I do not know what it is that makes the movie westerns. If you focus on what they think the audience, we can conclude that this is a movie with a lot of horses and men wearing hats.
I myself acted in three films, which have horses and people in hats, but I try not to talk genre categories. For America, Western - a historical film. So I was not interested in westerns as such. I'm interested in films about my country.
NO ACTOR, no horses can not be asked about what they can not.
I LIKE CINEMA, and I like agriculture. I'm one of those people who think agriculture form of creativity.
I'm not interested discharged cowboys try to keep riding the bull. I love the rodeo in the traditional sense of the word - that is, the competition in the different skills required for cattle farms. If one of my employees ranch saddle my bull, I'll throw this man to hell.
Most people do not see the beauty in the primitive cell phones and grid-netting. And I see.
In the summer we worked all day with the cattle, and then - about seven in the evening - going to play polo. We play up to nine hours, and then put the meat on the fire and watch the sunset creeps. It's a good life. Everyone is happy.
I am a good coach polo, but I have the patience - zero.
It seems impossible to get a ball the size of a coffee cup sitting on a horse galloping 35 miles per hour. You can not - not yet know exactly how.
I find BOXING vulgar. I think Muhammad Ali - the heroic figure of American sports, and Joe Louis too. But I do not see anything interesting sport.
I believe in faith. Faith works by itself, forcing people to perform amazing deeds and get amazing results. It is immaterial and not to be determined, but a very real thing. Sometimes it makes people do the atrocities. Sometimes - a chance to survive.
I was on my way to the Navajo Dam on the San Juan River - went on a fishing trip. I stopped at a place called "Aztec Ruins" (National Park in New Mexico. - Esquire), which is the world's only fully restored kiva (ceremonial structure of the Pueblo Indians. - Esquire) - a large house for meetings. There was no one around. I went inside, and as I saw this amazing architecture seemed pretty girl in a park ranger uniform and hat scout. She entered, pushed the button, and the singing sounded these people. It was loud, harmonious and stunning. I seemed to have knocked down. I staggered back and sat on the sidelines, and this beautiful girl in a stupid hat said pueblos were very religious people. So, I thought, and what they believed? The Bears? But it does not matter, because the expression of their faith was the music, and it sounded so good that I also believed. And what - I do not know, and I do not even need to know. That is what I mean when I say that you can believe in faith itself.
In the XIX century, schizophrenia was treated with ice water. Men stripped naked, dragged in the snow and were forced to stand under the jets of icy water. Then they were wrapped in a bathrobe, soaked in cold water and laid on the couch, hiding wet icy blanket. A few hours later they were forced to stand again dragged into the street and everything is repeated again. It was not the good old days.
When you read "Don Quixote" in English, in front of you is just a good old book. You'll never understand the miracle of Cervantes until you read "Don Quixote" in Spanish.
ALL events of my life, one after another cling.
I took off in a pile of bad movies, but nothing to regret, because every time enjoyed.
I would like the film to speak for themselves. Neither the audience nor the journalists I would not want to explain that in my film means this or that and why we did it was removed. The film was shot on the other end. If someone likes to explain - he needs to dial the class and become a lecturer.
I think many of my family has always seemed strange to the path that I chose. Yes, I have a cousin who for a while was a country singer, but most of my huge family something like not doing nothing. So this is my decision. Just my.
LIFE to live, we must remember that normal people with normal problems can be quite unbearable.
ANY VARIETY sense of humor, I do not watch at home.
Do not smile at me. I did not smile back.

I do not like interviews, but has learned to tolerate them. Peace - not the most comfortable place if you have to by something to shy away.
I do not know what success means to me. You do not think that I sit down by the fireplace with a cup of coffee and start to think about it?
My favorite films - are those for which I get the most money.
It all started when I was in second grade. School of the town of Rota, Texas, decided to put the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and the role of Chihuna (one of the dwarfs in Walt Disney cartoons. - Esquire) got to me. I took it very seriously, because it was the first part of my career. While radio Rotana is just above a pharmacy - a tiny room with huge microphones size of a dinner plate. They invited us - the seven dwarfs - and our teacher, who was a director. We were lined up in a line and were each individually, saying before, so we did something peculiar to our characters. Beautiful girl called my name, and I sneezed.
To be an actor - it's just another way to make money.
AS you can play someone in a movie? How do people do it? It seems impossible, until you know exactly how. And how can you cut someone, get appendicitis, and again all the mend? Also it seems impossible - until you know exactly how.
In my opinion, it's Laurence Olivier said, if you have the slightest opportunity - do not become actors.
I admire all that makes Clint Eastwood. I like the way he runs the set. I can spend the whole day, watching him work. I did.
I do not know what it is that makes the movie westerns. If you focus on what they think the audience, we can conclude that this is a movie with a lot of horses and men wearing hats.
I myself acted in three films, which have horses and people in hats, but I try not to talk genre categories. For America, Western - a historical film. So I was not interested in westerns as such. I'm interested in films about my country.
NO ACTOR, no horses can not be asked about what they can not.
I LIKE CINEMA, and I like agriculture. I'm one of those people who think agriculture form of creativity.
I'm not interested discharged cowboys try to keep riding the bull. I love the rodeo in the traditional sense of the word - that is, the competition in the different skills required for cattle farms. If one of my employees ranch saddle my bull, I'll throw this man to hell.
Most people do not see the beauty in the primitive cell phones and grid-netting. And I see.
In the summer we worked all day with the cattle, and then - about seven in the evening - going to play polo. We play up to nine hours, and then put the meat on the fire and watch the sunset creeps. It's a good life. Everyone is happy.
I am a good coach polo, but I have the patience - zero.
It seems impossible to get a ball the size of a coffee cup sitting on a horse galloping 35 miles per hour. You can not - not yet know exactly how.
I find BOXING vulgar. I think Muhammad Ali - the heroic figure of American sports, and Joe Louis too. But I do not see anything interesting sport.
I believe in faith. Faith works by itself, forcing people to perform amazing deeds and get amazing results. It is immaterial and not to be determined, but a very real thing. Sometimes it makes people do the atrocities. Sometimes - a chance to survive.
I was on my way to the Navajo Dam on the San Juan River - went on a fishing trip. I stopped at a place called "Aztec Ruins" (National Park in New Mexico. - Esquire), which is the world's only fully restored kiva (ceremonial structure of the Pueblo Indians. - Esquire) - a large house for meetings. There was no one around. I went inside, and as I saw this amazing architecture seemed pretty girl in a park ranger uniform and hat scout. She entered, pushed the button, and the singing sounded these people. It was loud, harmonious and stunning. I seemed to have knocked down. I staggered back and sat on the sidelines, and this beautiful girl in a stupid hat said pueblos were very religious people. So, I thought, and what they believed? The Bears? But it does not matter, because the expression of their faith was the music, and it sounded so good that I also believed. And what - I do not know, and I do not even need to know. That is what I mean when I say that you can believe in faith itself.
In the XIX century, schizophrenia was treated with ice water. Men stripped naked, dragged in the snow and were forced to stand under the jets of icy water. Then they were wrapped in a bathrobe, soaked in cold water and laid on the couch, hiding wet icy blanket. A few hours later they were forced to stand again dragged into the street and everything is repeated again. It was not the good old days.
When you read "Don Quixote" in English, in front of you is just a good old book. You'll never understand the miracle of Cervantes until you read "Don Quixote" in Spanish.
ALL events of my life, one after another cling.
I took off in a pile of bad movies, but nothing to regret, because every time enjoyed.
I would like the film to speak for themselves. Neither the audience nor the journalists I would not want to explain that in my film means this or that and why we did it was removed. The film was shot on the other end. If someone likes to explain - he needs to dial the class and become a lecturer.
I think many of my family has always seemed strange to the path that I chose. Yes, I have a cousin who for a while was a country singer, but most of my huge family something like not doing nothing. So this is my decision. Just my.
LIFE to live, we must remember that normal people with normal problems can be quite unbearable.
ANY VARIETY sense of humor, I do not watch at home.
Do not smile at me. I did not smile back.