Scientists have deduced the enzyme that converts any blood group first

A group of researchers from the University of British Columbia published a paper , which describes the preparation of a new enzyme. Under its influence the blood of any group changes on the first, which may pour almost any patient.
To be in a situation where the hospital is not necessary группы Blood - scary. Unfortunately, as is known from the beginning of the 20th century, different people there are different blood types, most of which are incompatible with each other. The infusion of incompatible blood groups leads to all sorts of adverse effects, including death.
The Second World War, stood by the terrible tragedy at the same time spurred medicine. In 1941 he began to use the first antibacterial agent - penicillin. And the need for blood transfusion theory division has generated its various species groups AB0, and we adopted the terminology - from the 1st to the 4th, taking into account the Rh factor. Blood is different properties of different groups of antigens - carbon chains of proteins, enveloping the red blood cells.
It has recently become known that there are more rare blood group (best known for 33 species), which is why there are dozens of its classification systems. However, the group 0 remains the most universal, in any case, it is possible to pour all patients in a volume of 500 ml.
The versatility of the group 0 (1st) is caused by the absence of her antigens. At the same time, holders of group 0 may take only the blood of the same group. Since creating artificial blood is still in the realm of fantasy, it is obvious that an increase in the blood supply of the 1st group goes to the benefit of all patients. < br />
The idea of turning the other groups blood group 0 by removing antigens were expressed as early as the 1980s. However, until now there has been found an effective means for their removal. "The idea was expressed for a long time, but the enzymes are known to science were completely ineffective, - рассказывает lead author David Kwan. - Their application does not make sense to scale, suitable for clinical use. We have developed a method to increase the efficiency of enzymes ».
Scientists conducted a selection of mutated for generations enzymes, selecting the most effective. As a result of artificial selection were obtained fermety, is superior to the original 170 times. The work of scientists dream of changing blood became closer to reality.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249862/
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