Amazon founder announced the successful testing of a new launch vehicle New Shepard

The company Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), it seems, is becoming more serious player in the space sector. The other day was tested a new rocket New Shepard , which showed excellent results.
It launched a rocket in Texas, in the desert region. The missile could rise to the estimated height of about 94 kilometers, it has reached this point at a rate three times the speed of sound. At maximum altitude of the rocket separated capsule, which made a soft landing near the site of the missile launch.
The developers claim that in such a capsule could accommodate 6 people. Jeff Bezos said that if all 6 people would be housed in the capsule, this time, after the take-off and landing all would feel good.
Unfortunately, one of the points of the plan this time failed. It is about maintaining the engine BE-3, with the return him to the ground. However, he was successful rocket launch, and this - the first successful tests New Shepard. Now the company is working on a BE-4 engine, which is planned to be installed on a powerful rocket planes.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249852/
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