In electronics, the Boeing 787 found the potentially catastrophic bug

The first appearance of the aircraft to the public i>
The electronic components of the latest Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft specialists of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was discovered software Error . At worst, it can lead to a loss of aircraft control, including the right during the flight.
The error associated with the meter continuous operation controllers generators aircraft. It's almost a classic shortcomings associated with Integer Overflow parameter. Counter seconds, the controller is contained in the landmark whole number, and if the generator will run continuously for more than 2 31 sup> seconds (248-a-half days), the controller will automatically go into emergency mode, which will lead to a power failure of the aircraft.
In the Boeing 787 of the four controllers, and if they will work at the same time, approximately eight months of work, they are automatically switched off. In this regard, FAA рекомендует periodically turn off the generators of the aircraft in order to prevent overflow of the counter. Currently, engineers are already working on an update for the software.
This is not the first major problem with the new model aircraft. In 2013, Japanese airlines Boeing 787, being in Boston, suddenly caught fire. After the incident was investigated and seemed to have taken all the necessary measures, the plane caught fire, parked at London Heathrow airport. The incident no one was hurt. The cause was a series of short circuits in the battery system, which led to overheating and subsequent fire lithium-ion batteries.

A scene from the report of the fire i>
Boeing 787 Dreamliner - wide-body twin-engine jet airliner. Boeing claims that the Dreamliner more economical than the previous design (and by 20% more economical than similar models from other manufacturers). He became the first passenger aircraft of this size, the fuselage of which is made entirely of composite materials.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249870/
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