The habit of buying: how to survive the crisis shopaholics

How to spend their money efficiently? Ruble falls, but not to deny myself the same to the desired purchases? Here are ten tips to help you save and easily priyatno.1. Promotional codes and kuponyPoprobuyte always check if there is a coupon for the right product. Especially in the case of expensive purchases: The sum of discounts often goes very significant. Discounts are best sought not their own, and on special websites: all the work is already done for you. The site offers SupoNation.ru all major online stores are sorted by category and are updated daily. By the way, abroad, most enjoys a promotional code on a regular basis: an approach to costs is called smart shopping, or smart shopping. Indeed, if you do not see the difference, why pay more?

2. Special rassledovanieChasto have to regret buying? It is a pity, because with this nuisance can easily say goodbye. Internet gives us an invaluable opportunity to learn from the useful experience of other people without leaving home. Attracted some thing? Excellent, open any resource with customer reviews and carefully read what pitfalls necessarily show up in the coveted purchase? It's great if the site combines the functions of reviews and some useful services: for example, on Yandex.market can not only read detailed feedback from owners of the product with a description of all the pros and cons, but look like the price or performance tovary.3. RaskhodovDistsiplina control is based on an analysis of their expenses. Not necessarily in the old store each check and maintain a table in Notepad or Excel - it's boring and time consuming. For example, if you prefer to buy on the internet, and basically almost always pay off the card, do not have to own anything: most likely, your bank has already taken care of you. For example, in your account you can see the statistics Sberbank your expenses. Graphs and charts will tell how much you spent on entertainment, but how much - to eat. On the iPhone, you can download easy-to-use application Spendee: just set up here all its costs, and the program will do the necessary calculations, simultaneously pleasing pretty interfeysom.

4. Do Samnite or herself. For example, manicure can sometimes make your own. Reduce the list of services that you pay for other people if it is able to solve alone. Treatment unaided beneficial to the purse, and at the same time improving the variety of skills and navyki.5. Sheet pokupokDadim fight impulse purchases. The main weapon - the list. Crumpled piece of paper in your pocket - the last century. Install the app on your smartphone: the choice of these - hundreds, there are foreign, and there are domestic. For example, a loaf Buy! Classic: here you can make shopping lists for different stores. You can even synchronize lists between users: how is convenient! And enter the desired list is quick and easy thanks to the pop-up podskazkam.

7. Dosing denegKazhdy shopaholic knows that cash in your wallet delayed eerily long. Therefore resort to a strict measure of self-control - will distribute the money in envelopes. Thus under each item you advance to "solve" itself only strictly defined summu.8. Consider a valyuteSkidka 35% - and how much is in rubles? Often the final price on the price list of goods is not written (insidious merchandisers!), And mental calculations payment amount is smaller than it actually is. Joyful anticipation of buying replaced by bitter disappointment at the box office ... Here cope calculator, but for calculations can install Discount.6. Trolley - Chief vragSnova-great: you have come to the supermarket for radish, but at the box office were full brim cart. The sad story of human-will not happen again, if the next time decisively enter the store without a shopping trolley. Try to limit korzinoy.

9. Do not go to the store without tseliVitrinny shopping as entertainment has to go out of your life. If there is no purpose to buy something, the store - or foot. Who needs a hasty purchase? 10. Save with umomEkonomit - not to always buy the cheapest goods. It means to find the best product in terms of price and quality. With our tips to start spending responsibly will be much easier.