Mechanical arm will teach you to draw

Saurab Dutta, a student of the Institute of Interaction Design Copenhagen (Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design) within the their training project built robot which controls people. But so far only in the best sense of the word: the robotic arm can teach you how to play a musical instrument or draw.
Of course, it is unlikely you will immediately start playing as a professional pianist or become a better artist on DeviantArt for 21 days. Also, the robot will not help you master the art of transferring fantasies on paper or correct visual perception. But at least feel and correctly reproduce the basic moves with it is quite possible.

According to Dutta himself: "The purpose of the system and its software to understand how people adapt to the conditions when they have a machine different methods of achieving the same goal. How do they complement each other or interfere with each other ».
It would be interesting in using such a device to try to learn some fine motor skills. Also in the near future, it is possible option interaction between teacher and student, when the teacher is not simply trying to explain something to the student in words but can directly guide his movements, even when dealing with them remotely via the Internet.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245050/
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