What are the things you take away with you from a burning house?

There is a fairly simple way to identify the most valuable things for themselves - imagine that the house fire started and need a short time to pick up the most important. In a project called "The Burning House" Foster Huntington decided to ask people what things they would have taken in the first place and photographed them. And what kind of things would you took? Philip Dorian Leybig:

Jean-Paul Rosetti:

Victor Klabbers:

Joanna Dionisio:

Joanna Dionisio:

Owen DeWitt:

Trevor Paulus:

Francois Dupont:

Ivan Alvarez:

Predrag Trokichich:

Julio Cesar:


Sarah Bush:

Alison Buenviae:

Sean Yu:

Ruth Vidal:

Isaac Miller:

Michael Damen: