Case for iPhone 6 for $ 2,000

As you know, Apple smartphones costing customers in quite a serious amount, so the owners of these devices are mainly provided lyudi.Kompaniya SQUAIR, engaged in release of luxury accessories for smartphones, has released a new duralumin Case for iPhone 6, which was called The Slit. Its cost is $ 2000.

Accessory is made in a unique design, and to complement the look of the smartphone. The developers wanted to update the interaction between themselves and the iPhone user's hand, causing the accessory has been created with a rounded silhouette and slatted appearance. As stated by the company itself, Slit is a decorative cover, which gives iPhone beauty and gravitas and resembles a fine example of craftsmanship, devoid of all nedostatkov.

Slit was initially a pilot project and no one thought that the accessory released for sale. However, engineers SQUAIR did an excellent job, so holster failed to see the light. The bag is made from a lightweight, yet rigid and strong aluminum alloy Extra Super Duraluminium A7075. Dimensions 32 constitute accessory 152 gram, 2 x 71 7 8 x 9 mm.

Slit cover is attached to the iPhone using latches using technology Batto. Requires the user to insert a smart phone in the holster until it softly clicks. Remove the iPhone from the Slit also not difficult - by pressing a special button on the side faces of the cover smartphone "slips" from nego.Odnim of the advantages of this design is that the case does not leave any scratches or other marks on the surface of the iPhone after a long operation. In addition, the simplified procedure of SIM-card.
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