19 amazing facts that you probably do not know

There are different variations of 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 first ten moves of a chess game.

The Roman emperor Caligula once declared war god of the sea Neptune, and then led the army to the shore and ordered his soldiers to throw their spears into the water.

The quietest place in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records is located in South Minneapolis Laboratories Orfild. The walls are completely absorbing and sound level is 9 dB

Some people believe that in the cartoon series "Johnny Bravo" was released in theaters April 27, 2001, predicted a terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York. The poster shows a burning World Trade Center tower and says "Soon»

Each year, about 7,000 Americans die due to illegible handwriting of doctors.

Mice sing in the mating season, thus attracting female. The frequency of the mouse squeak so high that it is not recognized by the human ear

Honey - one of the few natural products that can retain its nutritional properties for centuries.

The second name of Harry Truman was just initials «S», given in honor of the names of grandparents - paternal Anderson Shipp (Shipp) Truman and Solomon Young mother

Experiments have shown that male sweat helps the woman to relax, improves mood and eases PMS if he put on a woman's lips
National Anthem of Greece consists of 158 verses
Swedish couple named their child «Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116». They argue that the name is pronounced Albin.
IQ Marilyn Monroe (163) was higher than that of Einstein (160).
In July 1518 she started dancing in the streets of Strasbourg. A few days later it was joined by 33 people. A month later, the dancers were already 400! Some of them died of a heart attack and exhaustion
Polar bear liver is toxic for human consumption - it contains toxic amounts of vitamin A
NASA found that our universe, despite the scattering of stars, galaxies and vortices light of the sun, has its own color. Researchers call it "cosmic latte", ie it is one of the shades of beige.
Adolf Hitler was the "Man of the Year" in 1938 by the magazine Time, and was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939.
In Las Vegas casinos do not have hours
White Coke was made in 1940 at the request of Georgy Zhukov personally for him. Zhukov loved this drink and asked Americans to make Coca-Cola colorless, like vodka to her drinking in public places is not covered in the USSR as worship symbol of American imperialism. Colorless version of Coca-Cola was poured into a transparent glass bottle with a red star on the cover, the first batch of colorless soda was 50 boxes.
Odessans - unique people. Their humor is certainly with what can not be confused!
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