30 things that took us online
The anonymity of Internet users, as it turned out, a terrible thing. Blagodyarya dispute her degree in forums, chat rooms, and comments that do not fall below the level where people can assume that a person who does not agree with you, you can leave alive.
Why listen to boring 11 songs on the record only in order to get to the coming 12th hit. You can immediately download!
If a politician had the imprudence to blurt out nonsense, he has no chance to hide it. Sarah Palin, for example, said a few careless phrases and put the cross on his career.
Come to the meeting on time? Why, you can always send a message that is delayed.
Now, to join the mysteries of adult life, young people have no need to be timid kiosk. On the one hand, well, on the other hand - and remember nothing.
You need to learn how to call the passport office? "Yandex" and "Google" has long been buried in thick books with numbers quickly become obsolete.
The proud animals have been targeted: the Internet a bunch of pictures with captions degrading.
Now watch lovers only need to show off your wealth. The rest of the time to learn using the computer, mobile phone and more than a hundred devices with a timer.
Give to 1000 rubles for a new album of your favorite band, or download it from Internet piracy? The choice seems to be obvious, yes?
Just a little bit, and e-mail finally finish off the traditional, even in the most remote corners of Russia. Postmen finally become peddlers pension.
Remember the date and sequence of presidents and kings with the advent of "Wikipedia" is no longer a unique advantage. Minute on the computer, and you know about the Battle of Borodino, even more than its members.
Leisure time has become synonymous with the time spent on the Internet. Well, where to spend more? In the watch window?
Facebook, "VKontakte" has long replaced the family albums. So pictures of Egypt, and friends show more comfortable seats in the house and they do not take.
The days when the show during the next series of "The venue can not be changed" emptied streets, will not return. Now the Internet can watch any TV program at any time.
Buried near the telephone directories.
Online translation vengeance arguing with the television, not only score, but also the course of the match can be found at any time.
"Like flies here and there" are no longer rumors go home. For them, created a special website, where rumors were collected and multiply, and sometimes deny.
To doctors to accept people, of course, still go, but before this is usually a good prosherstit online consultations, medical forums and archives sites about health. And the hospital is already with its own diagnosis and skepticism about the qualifications of the doctor.
The text in a strange language no one is afraid of. Online translators, though not yet fully give Pushkin's text, but the meaning is quite clear peretolmachivayut.
Users of social networks themselves dumped on their pages more information about themselves than they could gather about them FSB and CIA combined.
List of jokes about Chuck Norris has swelled over a thousand points. It is clear that nothing like this happened to him, but believe it seriously.
Battleship, Tic-tac-toe, hangman, and other lovely entertainment on the boring school lessons also migrated to the Internet and telephone. Do you want to - with a computer beysya, you want - with a live person on the other side of the world.
Internet version of today have any self-respecting newspaper. And a very good paper on the website you can find lots of interesting things that the paper version just does not fit.
Is it possible to add text to the end, never get off on the news site and check my email? That's the problem, work on the Internet and not be distracted - it must be the will of the legendary Gadfly.
With the help of GPS, prevalent everywhere - from cars to smartphones, lets you know the path from A to B, knowledge of geography is no longer a valuable skill.
"I came from the provinces, long pestered, ten years later he was noticed, but it was too late." Today, the path is much shorter genius upstairs. It is enough to put your song on Youtube, and the next day you're famous. An example of this is the presence of supporting Peter hundred percent.
What sense to prepare for the reunion and generally go if everyone wanted, you've found the "Classmates", many times drunk with one and a couple of times the school has raised emotions of love with others.
Yes, earlier I had nothing to do lay out those stupid cards. Now have someone else remembers, unless turned off the Internet, because the web games a lot more.
To bet on a match "Chelsea" - "Arsenal", to go anywhere is no longer necessary. Three clicks on a special website - and whether there will be your apartment in your property, now depends on the outcome of the match.
There is a sandwich more interesting looking site with jokes, is not it?

Why listen to boring 11 songs on the record only in order to get to the coming 12th hit. You can immediately download!

If a politician had the imprudence to blurt out nonsense, he has no chance to hide it. Sarah Palin, for example, said a few careless phrases and put the cross on his career.
Come to the meeting on time? Why, you can always send a message that is delayed.

Now, to join the mysteries of adult life, young people have no need to be timid kiosk. On the one hand, well, on the other hand - and remember nothing.
You need to learn how to call the passport office? "Yandex" and "Google" has long been buried in thick books with numbers quickly become obsolete.

The proud animals have been targeted: the Internet a bunch of pictures with captions degrading.

Now watch lovers only need to show off your wealth. The rest of the time to learn using the computer, mobile phone and more than a hundred devices with a timer.

Give to 1000 rubles for a new album of your favorite band, or download it from Internet piracy? The choice seems to be obvious, yes?
Just a little bit, and e-mail finally finish off the traditional, even in the most remote corners of Russia. Postmen finally become peddlers pension.

Remember the date and sequence of presidents and kings with the advent of "Wikipedia" is no longer a unique advantage. Minute on the computer, and you know about the Battle of Borodino, even more than its members.

Leisure time has become synonymous with the time spent on the Internet. Well, where to spend more? In the watch window?
Facebook, "VKontakte" has long replaced the family albums. So pictures of Egypt, and friends show more comfortable seats in the house and they do not take.
The days when the show during the next series of "The venue can not be changed" emptied streets, will not return. Now the Internet can watch any TV program at any time.

Buried near the telephone directories.

Online translation vengeance arguing with the television, not only score, but also the course of the match can be found at any time.
"Like flies here and there" are no longer rumors go home. For them, created a special website, where rumors were collected and multiply, and sometimes deny.

To doctors to accept people, of course, still go, but before this is usually a good prosherstit online consultations, medical forums and archives sites about health. And the hospital is already with its own diagnosis and skepticism about the qualifications of the doctor.

The text in a strange language no one is afraid of. Online translators, though not yet fully give Pushkin's text, but the meaning is quite clear peretolmachivayut.

Users of social networks themselves dumped on their pages more information about themselves than they could gather about them FSB and CIA combined.
List of jokes about Chuck Norris has swelled over a thousand points. It is clear that nothing like this happened to him, but believe it seriously.

Battleship, Tic-tac-toe, hangman, and other lovely entertainment on the boring school lessons also migrated to the Internet and telephone. Do you want to - with a computer beysya, you want - with a live person on the other side of the world.
Internet version of today have any self-respecting newspaper. And a very good paper on the website you can find lots of interesting things that the paper version just does not fit.

Is it possible to add text to the end, never get off on the news site and check my email? That's the problem, work on the Internet and not be distracted - it must be the will of the legendary Gadfly.

With the help of GPS, prevalent everywhere - from cars to smartphones, lets you know the path from A to B, knowledge of geography is no longer a valuable skill.

"I came from the provinces, long pestered, ten years later he was noticed, but it was too late." Today, the path is much shorter genius upstairs. It is enough to put your song on Youtube, and the next day you're famous. An example of this is the presence of supporting Peter hundred percent.

What sense to prepare for the reunion and generally go if everyone wanted, you've found the "Classmates", many times drunk with one and a couple of times the school has raised emotions of love with others.
Yes, earlier I had nothing to do lay out those stupid cards. Now have someone else remembers, unless turned off the Internet, because the web games a lot more.

To bet on a match "Chelsea" - "Arsenal", to go anywhere is no longer necessary. Three clicks on a special website - and whether there will be your apartment in your property, now depends on the outcome of the match.

There is a sandwich more interesting looking site with jokes, is not it?