A long way from China to Spain: Eurasia restores ancient trade routes

November 18, 2014 in the path of the first freight train went from of 82 cars containers running on super-long route of the railway Yiwu - Madrid. On this сообщает Washington Post . The path of the train is scheduled to hold 21 days. After all, it is the longest route in the world - about 6,200 miles, nearly 10,000 km (even longer than Транссиб). "New Silk Road", dubbed as the project goes from China through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and European countries (Poland, Germany, France) and ends in the Spanish capital.

The industrial city of Yiwu in China - wholesale center in consumer goods. The project length of railways on the idea of the Chinese authorities should revive the old Silk Road - the medieval trade route from China to Europe. Chinese President Xi Jinping has announced that "the elimination of bottlenecks in Asia» China планирует spend $ 40 billion .
Yet transportation of containers with goods from China is mainly sea routes - it is cheaper almost twice than send them w / e. But the situation is gradually changing, particularly due to the fact that the containers are returned to China is not empty, and driven by a luxury goods from Europe, in particular, дорогие Cars . In addition, the sea routes controlled by the United States, and as we all know, the policy of friendship between China and Russia against the United States have already taken.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242769/
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