Produced by World of Tanks will invest several million rubles in the mini-rocket "Taimyr"

Producer and chief game designer World of Tanks Sergei Burkatovsky decided to invest part of the earned money on toy tanks in real rocket. However, the missile "Taimyr", though real, yet still has not quite "adult" Capacity - 9 to 135 pounds. As long as players in this market is small, but Burkatovsky considers it promising. The amount of investment while too small. "We consider two options - buying a 5% stake in the company for 5 million rubles and 10% of the shares - 10 million rubles," - said Chief Designer & quot; Lin Industrial & quot; Alexander Ilyin.
As the agency itself Burkatovsky, "Taimyr" will be able to put into orbit small payloads, such as student satellites. "The players in this market a little" - he said. In the future, problems with investment in the project will not have, I am sure he, as the "Taimyr" will be of interest to many businesses. Their participation in the project Burkatovsky explained that he was "a fan of space." Prospective investors not only is the principal designer and producer of the game, but still manages to write science fiction - which explains the interest in space.

The company "Lin Industrial" is a party space cluster "Skolkovo" and soon expects to receive from him minigrant of $ 5 million. As told Tass general designer "Lin Industrial", consulting agencies estimate the global market for small spacecraft to 2020 to more than $ 2 billion. "We missile" Taimyr "expects to take 30% of the market" - said Ilyin.
World of Tanks (World of Tanks) - mega online game in real time in the genre of arcade tank simulator in the historic setting of the Second World War, developed by the Belarusian studio Wargaming.net. Income in recalculation per user game takes first in the world . In terms of absolute numbers of income it in fourth place in the global table, and the first - among developers with the former Soviet Union.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242767/