Antikythera mechanism turned out to be a hundred years older than thought
The device, which can be called the first analog computer, it was older than scientists previously thought. Entries Babylonians about solar eclipses indicate that the Antikythera mechanism first used in 205 BC. Prior to this it was thought that it was created in 100-150 BC It's time to edit статью Wikipedia .
Determine the 205 year helped scientists writing on the device - more than 2000 characters, as well as a comparison of the data on the dial with known dates of solar eclipses in the past, which was calculated by the ancient Greeks. Previously, it was believed that they predicted positions of the planets and eclipses based on trigonometry, but in the year 205 it was not. Instead, the mechanism works on the basis of вавилонской Mathematics . Scientists continue to search for the remaining part of the Antikythera mechanism in place shipwreck, where the first device found.
At the moment it is known that the mechanism consisted of 37 bronze gears in a wooden case. Only 30 survived gear. The mechanism studied and tried to reconstruct since 1951. Computing device was able to take into account the ellipticity of the orbit of the moon's motion, using sinusoidal amendment, which was used gear with a displaced center of rotation.
Scheme of the mechanism.
Reconstruction of the mechanism in 1980.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242390/

Determine the 205 year helped scientists writing on the device - more than 2000 characters, as well as a comparison of the data on the dial with known dates of solar eclipses in the past, which was calculated by the ancient Greeks. Previously, it was believed that they predicted positions of the planets and eclipses based on trigonometry, but in the year 205 it was not. Instead, the mechanism works on the basis of вавилонской Mathematics . Scientists continue to search for the remaining part of the Antikythera mechanism in place shipwreck, where the first device found.
At the moment it is known that the mechanism consisted of 37 bronze gears in a wooden case. Only 30 survived gear. The mechanism studied and tried to reconstruct since 1951. Computing device was able to take into account the ellipticity of the orbit of the moon's motion, using sinusoidal amendment, which was used gear with a displaced center of rotation.

Scheme of the mechanism.

Reconstruction of the mechanism in 1980.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/242390/