Graphene armor is 10 times more effective than steel

According to сайт Royal Chemical Society , group of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of under the direction of Assistant Professor Je-Hwang Lee tested the graphene as a possible material for armor. Scientists have concluded that a laminate of a thickness of the order 10-100 graphene nm capable of absorbing energy of 10 times larger than the steel before collapse.

Jae-Hwang Lee: "Our group was the first tested the resistance of the graphene objects moving at speeds comparable with the speed of a bullet. Since the tests were conducted at the micro level, we could not use guns and bullets. We used a laser to accelerate microscopic silicon shell which hit the target of a multi-layer graphene. " The projectile hit the target at supersonic speed of 600 m / s. As a result of the tests it was found that this target can absorb up to 0.92 megajoules per kilogram. For comparison, the steel at a rate capable of absorbing no more than 0.08 MJ / kg.

Graphene, a two-dimensional crystal lattice of carbon, known for its unique strength properties. How colorfully James said Hawn , professor at Columbia University, "to break the graphene sheet with a thickness of scotch tape, you will need an elephant balancing a pencil. " In graphene ability to absorb shock is not surprising. What material is lighter and denser, the faster it spreads the sound and energy of the shock. Graphene - the material is extremely lightweight and compact, the speed of sound in it is greater than 20 km / s. The only obstacle to the widespread use of this amazing material remains the absence of reliable ways to obtain a macroscopic scale.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242226/