Adriana Kostetskaya. "I stopped myself to set goals. I catch a buzz from the process"
< Anatoly Golubovskii
< Adriana Kostetskaya - dancer, a student of the studio Black Square and the positive charge in one bottle.
< Where is born, grew up?
-genus And up to 18 years living in Ternopil. In five years, began to dance.
< -What schoolgirl was Adrian?
-Uchitsya Terribly disliked. It's such a boring, and I am very restless. Until the sixth grade was still cute and obedient but then happened something like a volcanic eruption, and - all. Daily training, almost weekly trips to competitions and contests in other cities, childhood itself was not. I was constantly busy, and I liked it very much. From the sixth class began to take part in various school activities. In the seventh, besides dance took the school KVN team, we are two years in a row won a trip to Artek.
< -B KVN you just danced?
-And Game too. Team were the guys from the 9th grade. I was the seventh of one
< -Vyglyadela older?)
-Navernoe Was cheerful, bright, and have always enjoyed the scene.
By the way, when my mother brought me and my sister to the dance, I initially did not want to take. Sister was seven, I - five, said - too small. But my mother uboltala. And I danced behind senior, in the second line. It still is not convenient to go to the first line. Behind have someone to look up to. And if no one else - I'm not interested.
I had a goal - to dance. And then - go to university.
< -What goal now?
-I No longer afford to set goals. Catch a buzz in the process. And it has become much easier. When I put them yourself, then hung up on them. And this is not the work of a gut. Because if suddenly does not work ...
< -You was obedient?
-Skoree, Yes. However, a lot of lessons could be absent because I was interested in the auditorium than in the classroom. And I held it longer than in the classroom. At fourteen began teaching dance. And in the classroom - sat in the back row, something to draw, write. In general, to learn I was not interested.
< -In what age, the first tour?
Anniversary of eight, I guess. Just remember that went to Lvov
< -First overseas?
-Poland. Nine or ten years. And without mom and dad.
< Why chose to study institution Poplavskiy?
-Not So Poplavskiy as simple Kiev. I taught for 4 years, I understand that Ternopil me a little, I saw myself in the show and on TV. Mom predagala Lviv, because that is closer, but I yearned to Kiev.
I was told that you need to enter at least $ 1,000. I've earned myself, but that kind of money I did not have. However, came as something written off Ukrainian - that I was able to), danced - I too know how, and by the evening I was told that I was adopted. That day I felt that when you want a very, a lot can. I, in general, when something I want, very stubborn. As a child, when sick, had to connect the coach that he forbade to come to the gym - my mother in this matter was not a decree, I yearned to last.
< What do remember from college years?
Yes especially anything. I entered the correspondence. Passed the first session, and then start to work. I went to the casting to Kozlovsky, they took me to the ballet. So I resorted to the session and quickly handed over all. Somewhere written off somewhere slyly, smiled and danced there, here brought it chocolate. In general, spun as she could. So with regards to some buzz from school - this was not) Honestly, if it were not for the crust, I'd just scored on his studies
< How did the name of your crust?
-Horeograf-Postanovnik suchasnoї horeografії. When I was in my third year, was admitted in parallel to the manager show binesa. Suddenly began to like the atmosphere of sales. Studied for a year and dropped. When I started to explain that I - a sausage that you want to sell. For me, it works !!! I pile naked figures, explain again, and I understand that the manager and dancer in one person - not mine.
< -Why you needed Square and where he generally took in your life?
-After Participation in the theatrical production of "Baron Munchausen" I went to work in Lebanon for 4 months. There were shows like "American Idol." The shooting came different directors. One of them offered me to play in a Pepsi commercial. He said that I have a very mobile, expressive face. And I told since childhood that I did not dance so well how to play. It was something to think about. Set a goal: when I get back - will do on theater courses. Received. At Ostankino in Dovzhenko. A month later graduated. Liked it. Just a couple of days after the end there was some casting, I got him a role in the TV series "Diary of the Dark." Wanted to make another, and filming was quite a lot. But I realized that cinema advertising - it's not quite what I wanted. My - dancing, acting, singing. And these three areas can be connected only at the theater.
< -Operetta?
-Not Necessarily. Musicals, Shows ...
< It's not quite the format Square
-never Mind. Still ahead. Everything will be.
In general, I wanted to play in the theater. Lived with this for about four months. And then there was corporate, where we played with interesting performances, and it turned out to be a leading Yuri Klyatskin. Came to me, saying, "Come to us in the square." Googled home (I had no idea what it is and what it is). It turned out that in a month will be entrance. Came to the second round, ask. Neelov said to come the next day. Again appeared, came on the scene and realized: "Yes, I want it." I want to learn to speak from the stage, not only in the dance show. I was silent for too long))
< How long?
-Navernoe, With fourteen years. It so happened that in the transition to adulthood, I closed. And all that remains of the means of communication - dance. All emotions, feelings, crying, krik- only through him. And she could not say anything.
< -You professional dancer serious level. And you want to go to the big stage as an actress. Do not you think that is sprayed?
-No. Firstly, a sober assessment of your level of dance. I'm not very strong dancer. Just love what I do. Ready to come to the gym and dance just for yourself. And only recently realized that most of all I enjoy the process and ease on stage. And it does not spray, and mutual supplement - about acting need plastic dance and dance - acting. Then it turns out pretty picture. The problem with many dancers - they do not bear the image of the inside, do not understand that dance, do not see this picture. I want to cultivate it - and in the theater, and dance.
< -Training in the studio was easy?
-Very Hard. It seemed to me that I could not speak or play. I suddenly found that I was some kind of restraint, did not look like himself. Maybe because it has approached this very seriously. When she studied dance, always tried to treat everything easily. And as soon as sereznichala - nothing worked. Here and in the squares. Although, for a moment, I was already 26 years old and attended a rigid internal setting to learn. Went and thought about the event-assessment-annexe, recalled stories. It turned out that no special stories to tell and I do not know how. After the first drop-out Anatoly read the list of translated. I was not in it. I sit petrified and I think that is the first time in my life - so wanted, completely surrendered, but the dream did not materialize ... Neelov saying something for a few minutes, and then suddenly announces that did not mention another name. And call me. As I cried !!! It was happiness, and misunderstanding - how could it happen ...
< -You cry easily?
-Nauchilas Not cry. Life has taught to be strong and hold on until the end of
< -You girl "I myself»?
-Yes I Am.
< -Roditeli help?
-No. With fourteen years - self
< How did affect "myself" in relations with men?
-Because I did not have a father, to whom I could come at a difficult moment and just cry, would like to find it in a man. I want to be feminine, vulnerable. But as long as the heart and soul occupied the other. In the first place - dance and theater. But at home I am very gentle and sweet)) Not shrew
< -Ushla answer. Fair Enough. Who is your man now - one, suspension, something else?
-In The first place, my friend. Reliance - may in some way. Always tried to understand those relationships that develop for a long time, and then suddenly everything collapsed. Now I think - just go our separate ways.
< -A maybe just afraid of being alone, even for a short time?
-Yes I Am. Maybe so.
< -The biggest fear.
-When Shout at me)) And yet - I'm afraid to die, had an accident. During this year visited three. And when he was in the next three months ago, vowed to change the attitude towards life and live every day.
< -The know how to drive?
-No. I'M Afraid. But would like to
< -What do you want most right now?
-Poplavat With dolphins. Fly to Venice for a week. On a month - to India. So far - all.
< What do the deed in the life of the recall with shame?
-Priehala Mom. She lives abroad and we rarely. She was very bad - back ached. And to me, called my boyfriend. And I went to see him. Mother exchanged per person, which is now ready to kill. There is another major school ... But do not tell you about it
< -What is not just a man under any circumstances?
-Even I do not know ... I guess all I can forgive. Treason? Lies? I can. There was even - hit. Forgiven. Yup! I now understand. All that concerns me personally, I forgive. But when my boyfriend did hurt my sister and her child, and they were crying, I put an end to the relationship.
< -As a child, was a competition with my sister?
-We Are very different. She did not understand me, I - it. I - creative, active, it is - quiet, beautiful, money in the first place.
<-stop. That'S Funny. Sister - beautiful. And do not think yourself beautiful? Or just flirting?
-Nuuu ... Probably consider myself a charming
< Yes you still modest to the same)) The priceless gift. Just do not know - believe it or not.
On a personal family thought?
-Vizhu Picture. But as long as I do not want to think about it seriously. No. Not so. So far - just afraid. I do not want. I do not like the procedure of the wedding, what you mean by "husband" and "wife." It looks too seriously. I want to be different. Stay creative and free girl Adriana. But with a loved one close by.
< Adriana Kostetskaya - dancer, a student of the studio Black Square and the positive charge in one bottle.

< Where is born, grew up?
-genus And up to 18 years living in Ternopil. In five years, began to dance.
< -What schoolgirl was Adrian?
-Uchitsya Terribly disliked. It's such a boring, and I am very restless. Until the sixth grade was still cute and obedient but then happened something like a volcanic eruption, and - all. Daily training, almost weekly trips to competitions and contests in other cities, childhood itself was not. I was constantly busy, and I liked it very much. From the sixth class began to take part in various school activities. In the seventh, besides dance took the school KVN team, we are two years in a row won a trip to Artek.
< -B KVN you just danced?
-And Game too. Team were the guys from the 9th grade. I was the seventh of one
< -Vyglyadela older?)
-Navernoe Was cheerful, bright, and have always enjoyed the scene.
By the way, when my mother brought me and my sister to the dance, I initially did not want to take. Sister was seven, I - five, said - too small. But my mother uboltala. And I danced behind senior, in the second line. It still is not convenient to go to the first line. Behind have someone to look up to. And if no one else - I'm not interested.
I had a goal - to dance. And then - go to university.
< -What goal now?
-I No longer afford to set goals. Catch a buzz in the process. And it has become much easier. When I put them yourself, then hung up on them. And this is not the work of a gut. Because if suddenly does not work ...

< -You was obedient?
-Skoree, Yes. However, a lot of lessons could be absent because I was interested in the auditorium than in the classroom. And I held it longer than in the classroom. At fourteen began teaching dance. And in the classroom - sat in the back row, something to draw, write. In general, to learn I was not interested.
< -In what age, the first tour?
Anniversary of eight, I guess. Just remember that went to Lvov
< -First overseas?
-Poland. Nine or ten years. And without mom and dad.
< Why chose to study institution Poplavskiy?
-Not So Poplavskiy as simple Kiev. I taught for 4 years, I understand that Ternopil me a little, I saw myself in the show and on TV. Mom predagala Lviv, because that is closer, but I yearned to Kiev.
I was told that you need to enter at least $ 1,000. I've earned myself, but that kind of money I did not have. However, came as something written off Ukrainian - that I was able to), danced - I too know how, and by the evening I was told that I was adopted. That day I felt that when you want a very, a lot can. I, in general, when something I want, very stubborn. As a child, when sick, had to connect the coach that he forbade to come to the gym - my mother in this matter was not a decree, I yearned to last.
< What do remember from college years?
Yes especially anything. I entered the correspondence. Passed the first session, and then start to work. I went to the casting to Kozlovsky, they took me to the ballet. So I resorted to the session and quickly handed over all. Somewhere written off somewhere slyly, smiled and danced there, here brought it chocolate. In general, spun as she could. So with regards to some buzz from school - this was not) Honestly, if it were not for the crust, I'd just scored on his studies
< How did the name of your crust?
-Horeograf-Postanovnik suchasnoї horeografії. When I was in my third year, was admitted in parallel to the manager show binesa. Suddenly began to like the atmosphere of sales. Studied for a year and dropped. When I started to explain that I - a sausage that you want to sell. For me, it works !!! I pile naked figures, explain again, and I understand that the manager and dancer in one person - not mine.

< -Why you needed Square and where he generally took in your life?
-After Participation in the theatrical production of "Baron Munchausen" I went to work in Lebanon for 4 months. There were shows like "American Idol." The shooting came different directors. One of them offered me to play in a Pepsi commercial. He said that I have a very mobile, expressive face. And I told since childhood that I did not dance so well how to play. It was something to think about. Set a goal: when I get back - will do on theater courses. Received. At Ostankino in Dovzhenko. A month later graduated. Liked it. Just a couple of days after the end there was some casting, I got him a role in the TV series "Diary of the Dark." Wanted to make another, and filming was quite a lot. But I realized that cinema advertising - it's not quite what I wanted. My - dancing, acting, singing. And these three areas can be connected only at the theater.
< -Operetta?
-Not Necessarily. Musicals, Shows ...
< It's not quite the format Square
-never Mind. Still ahead. Everything will be.
In general, I wanted to play in the theater. Lived with this for about four months. And then there was corporate, where we played with interesting performances, and it turned out to be a leading Yuri Klyatskin. Came to me, saying, "Come to us in the square." Googled home (I had no idea what it is and what it is). It turned out that in a month will be entrance. Came to the second round, ask. Neelov said to come the next day. Again appeared, came on the scene and realized: "Yes, I want it." I want to learn to speak from the stage, not only in the dance show. I was silent for too long))
< How long?
-Navernoe, With fourteen years. It so happened that in the transition to adulthood, I closed. And all that remains of the means of communication - dance. All emotions, feelings, crying, krik- only through him. And she could not say anything.
< -You professional dancer serious level. And you want to go to the big stage as an actress. Do not you think that is sprayed?
-No. Firstly, a sober assessment of your level of dance. I'm not very strong dancer. Just love what I do. Ready to come to the gym and dance just for yourself. And only recently realized that most of all I enjoy the process and ease on stage. And it does not spray, and mutual supplement - about acting need plastic dance and dance - acting. Then it turns out pretty picture. The problem with many dancers - they do not bear the image of the inside, do not understand that dance, do not see this picture. I want to cultivate it - and in the theater, and dance.

< -Training in the studio was easy?
-Very Hard. It seemed to me that I could not speak or play. I suddenly found that I was some kind of restraint, did not look like himself. Maybe because it has approached this very seriously. When she studied dance, always tried to treat everything easily. And as soon as sereznichala - nothing worked. Here and in the squares. Although, for a moment, I was already 26 years old and attended a rigid internal setting to learn. Went and thought about the event-assessment-annexe, recalled stories. It turned out that no special stories to tell and I do not know how. After the first drop-out Anatoly read the list of translated. I was not in it. I sit petrified and I think that is the first time in my life - so wanted, completely surrendered, but the dream did not materialize ... Neelov saying something for a few minutes, and then suddenly announces that did not mention another name. And call me. As I cried !!! It was happiness, and misunderstanding - how could it happen ...
< -You cry easily?
-Nauchilas Not cry. Life has taught to be strong and hold on until the end of
< -You girl "I myself»?
-Yes I Am.
< -Roditeli help?
-No. With fourteen years - self

< How did affect "myself" in relations with men?
-Because I did not have a father, to whom I could come at a difficult moment and just cry, would like to find it in a man. I want to be feminine, vulnerable. But as long as the heart and soul occupied the other. In the first place - dance and theater. But at home I am very gentle and sweet)) Not shrew
< -Ushla answer. Fair Enough. Who is your man now - one, suspension, something else?
-In The first place, my friend. Reliance - may in some way. Always tried to understand those relationships that develop for a long time, and then suddenly everything collapsed. Now I think - just go our separate ways.
< -A maybe just afraid of being alone, even for a short time?
-Yes I Am. Maybe so.
< -The biggest fear.
-When Shout at me)) And yet - I'm afraid to die, had an accident. During this year visited three. And when he was in the next three months ago, vowed to change the attitude towards life and live every day.
< -The know how to drive?
-No. I'M Afraid. But would like to
< -What do you want most right now?
-Poplavat With dolphins. Fly to Venice for a week. On a month - to India. So far - all.
< What do the deed in the life of the recall with shame?
-Priehala Mom. She lives abroad and we rarely. She was very bad - back ached. And to me, called my boyfriend. And I went to see him. Mother exchanged per person, which is now ready to kill. There is another major school ... But do not tell you about it
< -What is not just a man under any circumstances?
-Even I do not know ... I guess all I can forgive. Treason? Lies? I can. There was even - hit. Forgiven. Yup! I now understand. All that concerns me personally, I forgive. But when my boyfriend did hurt my sister and her child, and they were crying, I put an end to the relationship.
< -As a child, was a competition with my sister?
-We Are very different. She did not understand me, I - it. I - creative, active, it is - quiet, beautiful, money in the first place.
<-stop. That'S Funny. Sister - beautiful. And do not think yourself beautiful? Or just flirting?
-Nuuu ... Probably consider myself a charming
< Yes you still modest to the same)) The priceless gift. Just do not know - believe it or not.
On a personal family thought?
-Vizhu Picture. But as long as I do not want to think about it seriously. No. Not so. So far - just afraid. I do not want. I do not like the procedure of the wedding, what you mean by "husband" and "wife." It looks too seriously. I want to be different. Stay creative and free girl Adriana. But with a loved one close by.