If you decide tiled sidewalk, you should know that the result of this work will largely depend on the quality of your chosen tiles

If you decide tiled sidewalk, you should know that the result of this work will largely depend on the quality of your chosen tiles.
Paving tile has a different color, shape and thickness. When choosing a color, try to keep it was not much brighter, since a large amount of pigment that colors the material adverse effect on its strength. Paving tiles of excellent quality, you can order by visiting online - site http://www.build.kvs-centr.com.ua/trotuarnaya_plitka.
By purchasing, pay your attention to the surface of the tile - it has to be rough. This quality cover will protect you from injury in the winter, when the tile is covered with ice or snow.
On the tile must be no bubbles or cracks, their presence indicates a low quality tiles.
Tiles can be different strength, so if you had decided tiled courtyard on which will drive a car, be sure to ask the consultant will withstand the weight of the considered version of the machine.
There is an experience that accurately demonstrate the quality of the selected pavement coating. It is necessary to strike against each other 2 tiles and if impact will emit ringing, then it is qualitative and it can be used.